General FAQ

Sunday, 7. March 2010 14:01:16, by Riviat


How can I contribute?

If you're at an imm level above God you can request to be put in the "Wiki Editors" group if you're not already. If there's a "Edit Content" link to the left, then you're already able to contribute. Try it!

How do I summon help from angels online?

You follow the conductor in nimbus. This rings a bell which has the effect of sending out a global echo. The Conductor of the Choir is in vnum 17515. Use this only when you are overwhelmed helping new players, as it will typically pull all Angels off their player alts and come running to assist.

"the Conductor summons the angelic choir to sing, or some such"

Where has multi and spell info gone?

It was starting to spam the imminfo channel so it was removed. To see it again:

infoset +debug , infoset +multi

How can I write an equal sign '='?

Equal signs are reserved characters in Avatar and is used as command separator. You can however, still write it.

config +equal

I was told that this can cause some issues with the MUD. Crash? So it's not advised to leave this option on.

config -equal

will turn it off again.