
Saturday, 26. January 2008 01:14:05, by Halari


Also known as Gray Dwarves, are usually found only in the subterranean depths of the earth. They have somewhat rebelled against their surface-dwelling brothers, and often are only seen when raiding them. They are of the same stature as other dwarves, and have simply adapted to living underground. They excel in mining and other subterranean activities, yet loathe direct sunlight and do not function so well outdoors.

Duergar are strong and hardy, yet lack a little in wisdom and speed. They can give and take a lot of punishment in battle, yet are rather not as accepted as many other races. Like their cousins, they are resistant to poisons and magic. While not especially magical, Duergars are quite religious, and can make effective clerics. Their innate mental strength can also aid them in the use of psionic magic.

Duergars are capable of the following: racial-infravision, racial-sneak, racial-hide, racial-nosun, racial-powerswing.