Ofcol threatened
Posted by Kariya on March 08 2011 15:31:48
***UPDATED 3/28*** (click on Read more for more info)

In an unprecedented turn of events, the realm as we know it was torn
asunder. Tannah Machadae destroyed the town of Ofcol, warping the ground
the way she saw fit, killing most of the town's folks.
A few lucky denizens got away but now find themselves without permanent homes.
Others quickly found a new roof over their heads.

Will this new status quo hold?
Or shall the geomancer claim even more cities?

--In the mean time. Have fun exploring the FIVE new areas that appeared
after Machadae's evil work was done.
Extended News
3/8/11 - Heroes managed to surprise and overtake a division of Tannah's army.
There was lots of bloodshed but we were victorious!

3/12/11 - A small division, possibly scouts, were spotted North of Ofcol.

3/13/11 - Mercenaries brought a golem to a vineyard near the Great wall. It is trying to make its way through, creating yet another route towards Ofcol.

3/13/11 - Hero Quest scheduled for 1PM EST. Read board 3, 137.

3/17/11 - To prevent a war on two fronts, Heroes defending Ofcol struck first against the Dark Castle who aids Tannah. Lord Kheffin surrendered and has been imprisoned.

3/20 Ofcol is now surrounded. For now the army is preparing for a siege...

3/21 Siege engines appeared at the horizon. Heroes rallied and destroyed them.

3/23 An important battle was won tonight. Heroes obtained a magical item that can counter Tannah's geomancy. As long as Diana has it, she cannot personally attack!

3/24 More and more minions of Tannah surround Ofcol. The situation worsens by the minute.

3/27 Ofcol tried to break the siege as captains Jacklyn and Derrick took a large group of heroes in tow, killing many of the attackers. Yet in the end Derrick died and the forces of Ofcol had to retreat.

The town was overrun, Diana fled into the Dragon Citadel.
There was one last flicker of hope as the heroes managed to take another object of power from Lezgnar. But once the army breached the Citadel it was too late.
Tannah Machadae herself managed to overcome the magical wards against her, tore open the earth and a new city arose.