Announcing the return of Prince Amalric!
Posted by Zahri on January 19 2014 15:26:53
The letter is addressed to all low mortals and heroes of Midgaardia, as well as various racial dignitaries (Elves, Dwarves, Trogs, and similar).

Breaking open the red wax seal you read...

It is with great joy that I write of the return of my son, Prince Amalric, who had been away studying. On his 16th birthday he has returned to my wife and I. We cannot be more pleased to have him back with us in the safe confines of Midgaard.

In preparation for his safe return we have given the Throne Room a much needed lift in design. We hope that you might be able to join us at a later date for a feast to celebrate this wonderful news.

King Theileus of Midgaard
Queen Liecia of Midgaard
