(Game News) Queen Liecia has been murdered
Posted by Zahri on February 16 2014 14:38:00
It is with heavy heart I write of the passing of Queen Liecia. She was murdered - stabbed in broad daylight! This was the scene...

Northwestern Side Street
[Exits: east south->closed west]
Narrow houses line the street to the east and west as they face the north wall. With hardly any difference as you look from house to house, you wonder how people know which home is theirs.

The body of Queen Liecia lies here.

I will pay handsomely for information. Please speak with Carlotta.

Theileus, King of Midgaard

Quest note: This quest is for players who can participate in the Midgaard Patrol Quest (34-38) and have done the previous patrol quests. This quest features a unique unbound object as a prize. Others can also explore the city for various changes - mobs will react to low morts and heroes.