October... voting... and shenanigans...
Posted by Belanor on September 29 2014 20:20:00
Well... that's it. October is knocking at the door. Where did September go?

October? Voting? Community? Shenanigans? Etc....?
Extended News
With a new month around the corner voting resets! Every months, on the first, votes reset to “0”. So please click on the voting links in the menu, here on our website.

Some people like spending time with new players, some like to play other roles in helping the community grow. One of the easiest way is to vote for AvatarMUD. Being in the top ranks gives us visibility and can attract new players.

"But Belanor, I don't always remember to get on the site to vote," you say.

Easy fix. In your web browser you can have pages, even several tabs, open up automatically. So as soon as you would open your browser you’d see either two extra tabs for the voting pages, or just one extra tab for our web site.

This way you think of placing your vote daily!

If you have an online agenda/calendar you could set daily reminders to vote, but that might get annoying.


So October is right around the bend. There are a few things prepared for Halloween. Most will be spontaneous but there might be an event or two taking place. We will post more as we know.


Other than that, we still have team members working on bug fixes, and other things as well. Keep ideas, and bug reports coming (*cowers at the idea of Mal smiting him from the influx of ideas and bug reports*).