High Elf

Saturday, 26. January 2008 04:04:30, by Halari


High Elves are those elves who can trace their lineage to a True Fae within 7 generations. They are faster, tougher, wiser and more powerful than their more common cousins. Some lower-class elves and drow have been able to transform into High Elves when they achieve high levels of power. Why the drow who attempt this do not transform into High Drow is something of a mystery.

High Elves are only available to Elves and Drow. There are even rumours of a path of transcendency to become a true Fae for High Elves, but if this is the case then Midgaardia is surely not the place to contain this power.

High Elfs are capable of the following: racial-infravision, racial-sneak, racial-hide, racial-movehidden, racial-tranquility.