Avatar emergency contact procedure
Posted by Kariya on August 24 2011 12:14:00
Luckily Avatar is available for your adventure cravings most of the time.
But there's always the chance that we have some issues (crash, hanging mud, network issues.)

Usually players are the first to find out, and together we manage to fix it quickly.
However, to streamline this process we've written a short procedure to make sure detailed info reaches the IMM team as fast as possible.

Click to read what you, as Avatar player, can do to help resolve issues quickly.
And no worries, there is also an Immortal version that helps us figure things out quickly,
and most importantly, communicate this back to everyone else.

Extended News
Avatar Emergency Procedure

A Simple guide to Avatar MUD issues & contacting the right people.
august 2011 - by Avatar Immortal staff


If you cannot connect to Avatar, try the following to determine the nature of the problem.
You can try one or more of the following
First of all, write down any error message you get

If you do connect but no login screen it might mean the mud's stuck in a loop, send an email.

If you get any message that tells you you cannot connect or that a connection failed, continue and try the following:
- find your command prompt and 'ping avatar.outland.org' to see if you get a response.
- find your command prompt and 'tracert avatar.outland.org' to see where the link starts failing (it might be you!)
- Go to the outland.org website and try using the java applet to connect.

If you cannot ping or complete the trace, there is likely a network issue.
If you can ping/tracert but there is no connection to the mud is is not up.
Any of these shouldn't take more than a minute of your time but is very helpful when we try to determine the
nature of the problem.

Send an email with all the possible info you gathered to forum@outland.org
Using this mailer, you inform both the immortals and your fellow players of the issues.

As soon as possible, an Immortal will respond to let you know it's being looked into.
You may use other forms of communication (facebook, outland.org, pigeons, etc) as well.
But unless the email is down as well, the forum mailer is the best way to reach the largest audience.
Please do not contact individual Immortals as they might not be able to assist you at that given time.

Not a member of the Avatar forum mailer? See help mailman on the mud.