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FAQ: Avatar Levels
What is a lowmort?
A character which is between level 1 and level 50 is known as a lowmort.

What is a Hero?
On AVATAR, we have a rather unique group of players called heroes. Heroes are those individuals who have attained level 51. They are still considered mortals under AVATAR rules, but are significantly more powerful than level 1-50's.

There isn't really any set role for the heroes. Their role in AVATAR is basically what they make of it. There are many heroes who choose to use their strength to help other players with corpse retrievals and various other things. Some heroes enjoy running quests, others choose not to help and level instead.

It's a hero's choice what role they wish to play.
Whatever role the hero chooses to play, they are subject to all rules, the same as any other player on AVATAR.

Heroes have their own special areas and quests to explore and enjoy.

Hero currently has 999 sub-levels but at any time after level 500 a Hero may attempt to become a Lord. Hero level characters may type HELP MORPH in-game for more information.

What is a Lord?
Lords are what heroes aspire to be. Once a hero has attained the hero-level of 500 or more, he can attempt to morph into a Lord.

The being and becoming a Lord is shrouded in much mystery, but know that the level attained is much higher than that of hero.

Lords will learn new knowledge and unlock new mysteries that only a Lord can.

Please do not ask Lords probing questions about their class, as they are sworn to be tight-lipped about this higher existence.

There are currently 999 sub-levels of Lord.

Lords have their own special equipment, areas and quests.

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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Jul 26 2024 22:24
Xendurth has become a Bodyguard.
Jul 26 2024 17:44
Thaldur successfully morphs from Hero 747 to become Lord Thaldur.
Jul 25 2024 21:47
Winxa has become a Wizard.
Jul 25 2024 15:27
Juice successfully morphs from Hero 999 to become Lord Juice.
Jul 25 2024 09:53
Winxa has remorted into a High Elf Mage.