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Newbie Tip
There are thousands of help files available, offering valuable information for all things from "HELP STARTING GEAR" to "HELP DEATH". Typing HELP (keyword) might just give you the information you are looking for. - Catt
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FAQ: Avatar Staff
Who are the Avatar Staff?
Click here to see the current Staff members. Or you may use the following command in-game:

To see a list of current Immortals please type WIZLIST in-game.

To see a list of Retired Immortals please type HELP RETIRED in-game.

To see a list of current Staff members please type HELP STAFFLIST in-game.

Who/what is a Staff member?
Staff members are players with particular skills who have been recruited to carry out a specific role such as Area Building, running Quests or Design work.

They do not have the same varied responsibilities and roles as Immortals or Angels and, apart from Quest Staff, do not normally directly interact with players

How do I become a Staff member?
Becoming a Staff member is typically by invitation only but in some instances it is possible to put yourself forward as a potential candidate.

Joining the Builder team is normally by invitation only and with previous knowledge of the candidate's area writing abilities. The Builder team does not accept unsolicited area submissions.
One way that the Builder team can become aware of prospective talent is when player written area contests are held. However there is currently no fixed schedule for these.

If you are interested in joining the Design team it is possible to put one's self forward as a possible candidate for consideration.
Click the following link for details Want to Join?

The Quest team recruits members by asking for applicants and then selecting from the applications submitted. Quest team vacancies are advertised on an as needed basis.

Those interested only in becoming an Immortal should not apply for a staff position. Staff positions are completely separate from Acolytes, and are not a path to power.

What is an Immortal?
Once a player reaches level 850, he/she is considered an Immortal of Avatar.

Immortals are extremely important in keeping Avatar running smoothly.

They play many diffent roles, and handle any kind of character problems, such as equipment reimbursements, offensive behaviour, and inter-character problems.

Immortals also aid in the improvement of Avatar by suggesting or even writing new features for the MUD. They edit, write and fix areas. Immortals occasionally run quests and contests.

Immortals are here to answer your questions to the best of their ability or help you find someone who can answer your questions.

Please type HELP IMMROLE in-game for more information.

How do I become an Immortal?
Being an Avatar Immortal is generally an "invitation only" matter. A promising player is nominated by an Immortal or Angel, based on demonstrated knowledge of the game, maturity, and other skills that may be observed by long-term exposure to that player.

Some of these nominated players may be invited to become Acolytes, depending on our needs.

Heroes, Lords, and Angels are the pool for Immortal nominations.

One may NOT apply to become an Acolyte.

Players may NOT initiate this process.

Do NOT ask an Angel or Immortal to nominate you. This act alone is grounds for not being chosen.

What is an Angel?
The Angels are a class of individuals who have chosen to sacrifice all mortal possessions and their former ways of life, and have dedicated themselves to helping their fellow players.

Angels try to remain accessible and friendly to mortals, and will help when they can, but please remember that they are not your personal slaves, and they do have the whole mud to watch over.
Angel aid also differs from the direct material aid often associated with the hero class.

Angels have given up fighting and getting equipment; instead they try to help with advice and guidance, as well as with CRs and emergency situations.

Thus, the role of the Angel class is that of a teacher/mentor to the mud, using personal experience with the game to help guide fellow players to become better mudders.

Please type HELP ANGEL in-game for more information.

How do I become an Angel?
A player with at least one character of Hero level 30 or higher may petition a character of Hero level to become an angel.

For more details please type HELP ANGEL PETITION in-game.

Those interested only in becoming an Immortal should not petition for Angel. Angel is completely separate from Acolyte, and is not a path to power.

How do I find out more information about a particular Immortal?
Each Immortal should have their own helpfile which can be accessed in-game by typing HELP .

These helpfiles are self-written and therefore contain varying amounts of information.

Examples of these are HELP SNIKT and HELP DAWIZ

How can I contact an Immortal?
Well, in game you can either hang around online, waiting for the Immortal to show online, or you can send the Immortal in question a note on board 2 (see HELP NOTE ).

Please feel free to send a tell to any visible Immortal except for Snikt or Dawiz (see HELP SNIKT and HELP DAWIZ in-game for more details).
Unless you need to speak to a specific Immortal, then always start with the lowest ranked Immortal on. Use WHO IMM to see which Immortals are visible, the highest ranked Imms are the top of the list.

The other method to contact a particular Immortal is to send them an e-mail. Use the Immortal's name @ outland.org as the recipient address in your e-mail client. If you want to contact all of the Immortals, use NOTE TO IMMORTAL in game, or immortal @ outland.org via e-mail.

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Jan 17 2025 20:47
testing one two! is the Shoutbox broken, or just the Game Updates?

Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Nov 27 2024 14:11
Hippo successfully morphs from Hero 868 to become Lord Hippo.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!