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Author How do you level your lowmort?

Posts: 23
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Joined: 22.01.07
Posted on Mar 14 2007 02:51
Place your hints, tips for areas, for levelling your lowmorts from 1-35

For me it is

Daycare, orphanage, oak circle, grunkas, moss village, laquer slaves, trog worshippers, oddities

Any one else?

To imagine is to live, to live is to create, to create is to imagine
Rhousrod 88979002 mattandkylie@ozemail.com.au http://southernwifi.net
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

Posts: 4
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Joined: 23.11.06
Posted on Mar 14 2007 14:17
Well to level my Lowmorts i go to,

Day Care, Grunka, Heather Flats or Ascension woods, Ruins of Keresh and Senex Operis, Desicatted Farmland, the shadow forest and about level 40 on up i go to LeMans and Valley of the suns, and hero areas to finish off.


P.S. Area and Level Range ex. ARea 25 35 works too, i look for areas that arent normally run for better xp.
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Mar 15 2007 07:49
promote <name> 50.

Just kidding. I am no expert but I usually do the areas surrounding the meadow.
Then I try to find some groups and explore all over the place.
Around this time I get bored with levelling and such, and I go back to my Imm guise.

Hey, make sure to submit the things you put in this thread to the web team, as newbie tips?!

Kariya the Dark Fire who hasn't been a real lowmort in over 10 years.
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

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Posted on Mar 15 2007 07:57
Don't be afraid to ask for advice from other players.

Try to make friends with people in the same level range and on at the same time as you.

Usually, this means it is easier for you to get a group and often there will be one or two experienced players in the group which can help enormously if they pass on their wisdom to new players.

I usually use HELP STARTING GEAR and HELP LEVELLING GEAR and go to the areas listed there to get the equipment that I need. Once that's done, I go to areas for XP.

I vary where I run dependent on how busy various areas are but like Chumaka try to run in less explored ones. If I can get a group then I'll go wherever the group is going.

If I know that I can handle an area slightly above my level range then I'll sometimes do that to increase the XP per kill but this is a calculated risk and you have to be prepared to die if it goes wrong
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

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Posted on Mar 16 2007 11:21
I get spellups, which add an insane boost to my ability to slaughter bunnies (DIE Bunny, DIE!!!).

I also have some twink eQ i've hoarded over the years; what i need to do is organize the eQ... i've got usable items from Lev 2 up to 50. Often i end up re-outfitting my morts and enchanting gear because i can't find the correct item amongst my alts.

Areas are important and often i start by running through mud school, then the meadow, etc... It gets tougher around levs 25 + and by 40 i'm looking for groupies.

First timer, no friends or game knowledge. Help meadow, help leveling gear, help map, are some of the first items to review.

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Posted on Mar 16 2007 16:43
Here it is >

Bonk > Goblins > Sprites > Corpses above Senex > Slaves and Trogs > Oddites > Pheonix > Yaks > Low Hero areas

Works great for me. I've done moss villiage but they hit kinda hard for the xp.
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

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Posted on Mar 16 2007 17:45
I get all the level gear while I am still boosted.

Then I do kobalds, orphanage, the road/ruins of kersh, senex, graveyard (it has a place in my heart, I love haunted stuff! :rip/Nocte Abbey, Oddities, Zin, Eris, Beasts, Hero area.

I get bored easily, can you tell

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Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

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Posted on Mar 16 2007 22:59
I never really enjoyed the journey through lowmort until relatively recently (the past 2 years or so). Because I tend to be a creature of habit, I find myself running a similar pattern for most of my lowmorts, which has proven to me to be a good recipe for lowmort.

* Quick romp through MUDSCHOOL for noob gears.
* Recall to Nom, visit the daycare to grab linen robe and a couple pink ice rings.
* Go to the Petting Zoo, kill the Unicorn for his horn and Tyran for the claw.
* Recall back to Nom, head north to Wayside - great xp for level 2-3 and to realign good.
* Level 4 - go visit the orphanage, many mobs, very fast xp.
* When i get bored here or run out of mobs, head to the Weeping. Again lots of mobs, little risk and great xp for level 6ish to 10.
* Grab a few items for the next 10 levels
* The Brothers Grimm has always had a place in my heart reaching back from childhood, no run through lowmort seems complete if I've not paid my dues here.
PS. I get a kick out of dropping my collected junk for the Grimms to scavenge.
* Igecsoz is an incredibly diverse area for players to level. You can comfortably play here for the next 10 or so levels, or until you feel you've outgrown the xp. Depends how gung-ho you are *wink*
* I spend a few levels in Zins Hall of Oddities, and then take the natural progression to the Trials of Zin. There are many more mobs here than the run of the mill lavas, pillars and magmen. Add a groupie or two for these.
* Antharia is always fun for a few levels. Great, I'm level 40 already. Oh things just got a whole lot tougher.
* The last 10 levels are varied, but I do seem to find myself in places like Antharia Zoo, Valley of the Sun early on and closer to hero I find small hero areas are great. Gear plays a very important part during these tough last levels.
* Perseverence is key.

Dont forget to take the time to enjoy the experience.
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

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Posted on Mar 20 2007 13:15
Most of y'all need so many areas to get to level 10..

Crazy Kob (until 6-7) > Grunka (until 10-11) > Heather Flats (until 14) > Senex (until 19-20)> Igecsoz (porters/youths, then possibly soldiers/hunters/farmers.. until 25-30) > Oddities (until 34-35) > ...

Meh, I don't really solo after oddities. It's faster to group. Some more fragile race/class combinations I group sooner, around 25.

And I upgrade gear between spellups.
MooNFisH1985 moonfish@gmail.com
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

Posts: 4
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Joined: 23.11.06
Posted on Mar 20 2007 14:14
Hey all,

Keep in mind, the areas you can run are completely different when you have spells, For a True New player that doesnt have spellup using more zones closer to thier level ranges is a safer way to go.
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

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Posted on Mar 22 2007 19:46
I Like running ents and hitting every single level appropriate area at every single level. There are some amazing places that you never get around to visiting if you rush through low mort: the valley of dogs and the academy in gninhs vilalge for instance.
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

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Posted on Mar 23 2007 14:02
Hehe so you could have just replied "Slowly", Honoria.
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

Posts: 23
Location: Adelaide, South Australia
Joined: 22.01.07
Posted on Mar 24 2007 01:17
Another option is to run areas between stonehall and Midguaard, that way you not only learn how to walk there, but you also get to visit some interesting areas

To imagine is to live, to live is to create, to create is to imagine
Edited by Hylaeus on Mar 28 2007 08:58
Rhousrod 88979002 mattandkylie@ozemail.com.au http://southernwifi.net
Author RE: How do you level your lowmort?

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Posted on Apr 11 2007 11:56
Well, first I go get all the gear I need to max int wis and con while levelling... if I can't be bothered killing the mobs with my new character I will do a quick whip-around with a higher alt, so I can get to the levelling part faster.

Usually I work the goblin mushroom caves til around level 6ish
Grunka's til I can handle Oaken circle/Ascension woods til about 12
Heather flats/Undrehands til 15ish
Segue into Igecsoz - one of my favorites, such a diverse area!

I pretty much stay in Igecsoz til around the 30ish mark, working my way up from child, female, porter, youth, lacquer slave, worshipper, weaver/farmer, etc

Maybe a little oddities, generally people seem to be happier to group around then.

Most of the earlier stuff is solo, maybe a little 20s teaming, depends what class I'm running.

Having read these other replies I am starting to feel that

A ) My levelling is really inefficient
B ) I'm missing out on a lot of cool areas

but that's ok, I can live with that ^_^

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