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Author Multiplay question

Posts: 6
Location: Oklahoma
Joined: 08.03.07
Posted on Apr 18 2007 15:19
I recently read a Newbie Tip posted by Locqui about creating a cleric alt to identify equip. Is having a cleric logged in to ID equip for your main character multiplaying? I was instantly investigated when a friend of mine, who just discoverd muds, logged on at my house while I logged in my character at the same time from a laptop.

Knowledge is power, I'm as smart as a box of rocks.
?? pc illiterate none Gnistar007
Author RE: ID and multiple characters

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Posts: 23
Location: Kansas City, MO
Joined: 26.02.07
Posted on Apr 18 2007 16:39
You cannot have both your characters on at the same time. I would go to a room - away from the main flow of traffic - and drop the item and log out with one character and log in with the cleric and ID it that way then drop and relog to get it. Unless you have a buddy who can hold it for you. This is the same way when transferring items/money/gems/etc.
Author RE: Multiplay question

Posts: 2
Joined: 08.03.07
Posted on Apr 18 2007 19:44
Also, if you and your friend want to play at the same location, each of you must multi-register. You can read the help for it in-game for details on the process.

Another option to identifying items without logging alts is to pay Endmuntrillion the ent in Stonehall. He is very handy, for a price.
Edited by Tolus on Apr 18 2007 19:45
Author RE: Multiplay question

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Posts: 23
Location: Kansas City, MO
Joined: 26.02.07
Posted on Apr 18 2007 19:58
Also there is the wiki (http://avatar.melanarchy.info/index.php/Main_Page). If it is not there you can always request the item.
Edited by Zarf on Apr 18 2007 19:59
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