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Author HOGs

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Posts: 23
Location: Kansas City, MO
Joined: 26.02.07
Posted on May 22 2007 20:32
Is might be just me - but has the number of scheduled HOGs gone down? I'm not really complaining - it just struck me that the last few holidays there were no HOGs scheduled. Did not know if this was policy change or just "just didn't work out". On a positive note - I'm happy to see the number of quest events go up (even though I cannot make most of them). Now back to work...

Author RE: HOGs

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on May 23 2007 07:05
What do you mean? I've been hogging mobs a lot as of late!

Ok. *puts on a serious face*
Yes, it turned out that getting a large enough crew together to run the larger scheduled HoGs was quite a hassle.
It usually came down to the same people who then worked their butts off for over and hour, and wore out their keyboards in no time.

We could do them, but without the expected service of quick CRs and everything.
Therefor we decided to do more random short Hogathons.
When we run those, and how long, depends on who has time and when.

Thanks for the Quest compliment. Feel free to high5 the trackies when you get the chance!

Kariya The Dark Fire!
Author RE: HOGs

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Posted on Jun 06 2007 18:34
Please vote in the currently active poll about HOG CR Support if you have not already. We will be using the results of this poll in planning for future HOGs.
Author RE: Re: HOGS

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Posted on Jun 08 2007 23:46
I like the "longer duration" HOGs! I thought the last hog-a-thon went great! Whether or not we have Immortal CR's I feel is no big issue. The Avatar community can jump in and help with the CR's during or after the HOG.

If less Imm support means more hog-a-thons -- I'm all for it!
Author RE: HOGs

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Posted on Jun 09 2007 00:08
Thank you for your comments.

Cerdwyn, Staph Immortal of Avatar MUD

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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

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Testing. Testing. This thing on?

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