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Author What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Aug 19 2007 10:21
I like playing a mixture of races but probably play Human the most.
Mainly because of the lower tnl and the fact that I have less time to play than I once did.

Obviously, Halflings are the uber race but I do have to give other races a try, I suppose

Looking forward to seeing what other people's favourites are
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Posted on Aug 19 2007 10:46
For casters its going to have to be Liz,Tua seen as most of my casters are liz or tua, and for brutes Trl, my fave combo is Trl War at hero, kill 3 mobs, catch tick "oh look back to full"

Although i do agree with riviat on the whole halfling beign the uber race
Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Aug 20 2007 11:01
My favorite is the elf. Originally picked because I think of elves as cute little fairy creatures.
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Posted on Aug 20 2007 20:14

Half-elfs rule!!

I think I have every creatable class of half-elf somewhere

But I like birdies too. Love my griff warrior. And my centaur mage... drool.

I guess it pretty much depends on the moment. I'm not a big fan of sprites or harpies or kobalds or goblins. .. you get the picture. Hobbits fit there too as something a giant might step on.

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Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Aug 20 2007 21:44
I like lots of the races including tua and hie though I tend to prefer them combined with non traditional classes. (Taking a weird combo and making it work is fun - to me anyway). I find fdk fun and painful in equal measures.
Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Aug 22 2007 07:46
Simply for a role-play-ish point of view, I am biased towards the Drow.
I am a big fan of those evil spider-lovers.

And sprites. with BBQ sauce.
Tastes like chicken!
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Posted on Aug 23 2007 00:34
I must admit I also really like my half-elf mage. With nearly human hp, and nearly elf mana, they really are soloing machines, especially once you get that 97% nofail thing going on. My 999 hel mag had about 4500 hp and 4500 mana, a nice combo.
Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Aug 23 2007 03:56
Centaur! it is the only way to go, uber hp's mixed with mana, how could you possibly go wrong!

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Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Aug 23 2007 16:20
Well, with 4 feet, you could trip over them

Cerdwyn, Staph Immortal of Avatar MUD

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Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Sep 11 2007 19:38
I am still a newbie but I am partial to dwarves and gargoyles.
I have several low level characters that I am trying out.
IMO dwarves are great.

Knowledge is power, I'm as smart as a box of rocks.
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Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Sep 15 2007 04:18
Giant is my fav for anything brutish, drow for caster types, rogue/arc types...still tinkering around...my half orc rogue isn't too shabby. I don't do the silly class/race combo thing so dunno about the oddities.

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Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Sep 16 2007 00:23
I think there should be more demon priests in existance.


Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Sep 17 2007 21:31
I really enjoy playing as a High-Elf. They are buff in hps and and in mana. Even though they have a high tnl i find them worthwhile playing. (I usually make an elf with the sole intent of going High-Elf)

Centaur would be my 2nd choice of race tied with Tuatar.

Edited by Alrin on Sep 17 2007 21:32
Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Sep 19 2007 14:26
I usually pick drw for a caster because of their relatively low tnl and gia for a brute due to their insane hp and damage. Including remorts though, I'd say sprite is my favorite by far for any class (except maybe bzk)! Yay racial dodge!
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Posted on Oct 05 2007 21:00
I really enjoy fdk (for bci), and I wish it was still creatable -- it makes Hero more enjoyable with something to look forward to, and makes Lowmort a bit more of a challenge. (relatively weak with high tnl)

Drw for mag definitely. (fast, good mana, nofail,cool) Cen wzd is a pretty indestructible combo. (high hps, high mana, good armor, flash)

So far I've enjoyed Dragon a lot at lowmort, can't wait to try Hero!
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Posted on Jun 25 2008 18:30
Drow always come first...

What's not to like about them? They have great skin, fantastic hair and nice pointy ears. And so much more attitude than their tree hugging cousins.

Of course, trees are nice too. I like ents second.
Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Jun 26 2008 18:42
I love all my alts, but I get frustrated failing spells... nothing says aaaaaarg like having to try and cast portal 3 of four times at the end of a run in an aggie area.

So my favorite: Centaur. Not as hard to level as a Dragon, not as splatty as a Sprite, not as faily as a human. Not as emo as a drow

*high5 hylaeus*

English does not borrow from other languages. English follows other languages into dark alleys, raps them over the head with a cudgel, then goes through their pockets for loose vocabulary and spare grammar.
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Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Jul 10 2008 22:11
Centaurs and Dragons rule, plain and simple.

SerpWAR et alts
Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Jul 10 2008 22:34
hmm humans ... ok just kidding !

for me i would say centaur, dsd and troll are my favourite races

govannon, septera etc
Author RE: What are your favourite races to play?

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Posted on Jul 10 2008 22:57
Uhmmm well you know what... I will be the first to admit I complain alot about my sprite... but I still like it I loooooooooove nofail on spells. Too bad it doesn't apply to certain "skills" that are used for casting as well

Besides that through the years I've also tried playing with various race... and I haven't come to one specific favorites

Would I change my sprite's race if I got a freebie to do so without being back to mort? Would I do it? uhmmmm I think the only way would be either being offered to be a cyborg or a Greater Fae.... and i'm sure there's no way on earth or in hell that will hever happen LOL so i'll stick with my sprite

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