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Author War information part 1

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Posts: 20
Joined: 04.12.07
Posted on Feb 15 2008 23:21
Information provided by Kwinin during his previous "exercises"... I'm just now able to pull this off of my laptop, since I'm recovering on a long weekend

Read, learn, enjoy

Your cruise missile attack against Tangland was a success. Tangland lost 0 defending tanks, 2.00 technology, and 10.00 infrastructure.

Your cruise missile attack against Tangland was a success. Tangland lost 0 defending tanks, 2.00 technology, and 10.00 infrastructure.

This will be your first ground battle against Tangland today. You will be able to carry out a total of two ground battle attacks against Tangland today.

:. Aggressive Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jorge Almighty
Deployed Soldiers: 11,000 (16,394) Defending Soldiers: 3,500 (4,536)
Deployed Tanks: 300 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 50.56 Defending Technology: 66.00
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,930.00 Defending Infrastructure: 1,259.00
Attacking Land Area: 484.504 Defending Land Area: 134.162
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $3,775,300.55 Defending Money: $109,568.35
Battle Odds: 83% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 17% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Aggressive Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 522 soldiers
65 tanks
Tangland Casualties: 1,827 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Your soldiers triumphantly and decisively defeated your enemy in this battle. Your soldiers owe their lives to your hard work as their leader. In your victory your forces captured 3.436 miles of land from Tangland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within Tangland. They also stole 3.300 technology from Tangland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $16,435.25 from the nation of Tangland.

You have been involved in one ground battle today against Tangland. You have one more ground battle attack left.

:. Aggressive Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jorge Almighty
Deployed Soldiers: 10,478 (15,616) Defending Soldiers: 1,673 (2,168)
Deployed Tanks: 235 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 53.86 Defending Technology: 62.70
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,930.00 Defending Infrastructure: 1,239.00
Attacking Land Area: 487.939 Defending Land Area: 130.726
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $3,791,735.80 Defending Money: $93,133.10
Battle Odds: 91% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 9% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Aggressive Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 2,893 soldiers
20 tanks
Tangland Casualties: 827 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 3.298 miles of land from Tangland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within Tangland. They also stole 3.135 technology from Tangland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $10,244.64 from the nation of Tangland.

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_:. Government Information
Nation Name: Tangland
Ruler: Jorge Almighty

Last Activity: 1/19/2008 2:55:52 PM
National Flag:

Alliance Affiliation:
About Tangland: Im Looking 4 better trades! RIP AC/DC
Government Type:

- Anarchy

National Religion:

- Judaism

Nation Team:

Nation Created: 10/15/2007 11:05:21 AM (96 days old)
Area of Influence:
187.057 mile diameter.
79.159 in purchases, 59.629 in modifiers, 48.269 in growth
War/Peace Preference:
War is an option for Tangland.

Their Resources:

Connected Resources:

Bonus Resources:
Trade Slots Used:

Banks: 5, Factories: 5, Harbors: 1,
National Wonders:
No national wonders.
Senate Votes:
0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank: Ranked #14,407 of 31,194 Nations (46.2%)
Nation Strength:
4,668.851 (My nation strength is: 8,861.489)


Number of Soldiers:
846 (1,096)
Number of Tanks:
Number of Cruise Missiles:
Number of Nuclear Weapons:
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 1,317 Attacking + 3,001 Defending = 4,318 Casualties
Total Population: 10,854 Supporters

. Planned Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jorge Almighty
Deployed Soldiers: 7,585 (11,305) Defending Soldiers: 671 (870)
Deployed Tanks: 215 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 56.99 Defending Technology: 49.76
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,930.00 Defending Infrastructure: 1,159.00
Attacking Land Area: 491.738 Defending Land Area: 121.722
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $3,358,508.84 Defending Money: $67,695.02
Battle Odds: 95% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 5% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Planned Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 738 soldiers
15 tanks
Tangland Casualties: 284 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 2.918 miles of land from Tangland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within Tangland. They also stole 2.488 technology from Tangland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $4,061.70 from the nation of Tangland.

You have been involved in one ground battle today against Tangland. You have one more ground battle attack left.

:. Planned Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jorge Almighty
Deployed Soldiers: 6,847 (10,205) Defending Soldiers: 387 (502)
Deployed Tanks: 200 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 59.48 Defending Technology: 47.27
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,930.00 Defending Infrastructure: 1,139.00
Attacking Land Area: 494.656 Defending Land Area: 118.803
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $3,362,570.54 Defending Money: $63,633.31
Battle Odds: 97% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 3% Chance of Victory

You cannot attack Tangland at this time because their battle odds are at 3% and are not high enough to fight your forces. The government of Tangland has just been sent into Anarchy due to their lack of security forces. Riots engulf the nation of Tangland as your soldiers relax and enjoy their victory.

You have been involved in one ground battle today against Tangland. You have one more ground battle attack left.

. Planned Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jorge Almighty
Deployed Soldiers: 1,000 (1,490) Defending Soldiers: 204 (264)
Deployed Tanks: 50 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 59.48 Defending Technology: 42.66
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,930.00 Defending Infrastructure: 1,099.00
Attacking Land Area: 494.656 Defending Land Area: 113.313
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $3,362,570.54 Defending Money: $50,302.13
Battle Odds: 90% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 10% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Planned Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 240 soldiers
11 tanks
Tangland Casualties: 80 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 2.582 miles of land from Tangland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within Tangland. They also stole 2.133 technology from Tangland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $6,539.28 from the nation of Tangland.

:. Planned Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jorge Almighty
Deployed Soldiers: 760 (1,133) Defending Soldiers: 124 (161)
Deployed Tanks: 39 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 61.62 Defending Technology: 40.53
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,930.00 Defending Infrastructure: 1,079.00
Attacking Land Area: 497.238 Defending Land Area: 110.731
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $3,369,109.82 Defending Money: $43,762.86
Battle Odds: 92% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 8% Chance of Victory

You have been involved in two ground battles today against Tangland. Your forces in this region are exhausted and cannot battle Tangland at this time.
Author RE: War info Part 2

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Posts: 20
Joined: 04.12.07
Posted on Feb 15 2008 23:25

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_:. Government Information
Nation Name: Ityraea
Ruler: Jacob

Last Activity: 2/2/2008 12:01:35 PM
National Flag: None Selected
Alliance Affiliation:
Fourty Two

About Ityraea: A nation of not lazy and unmotivated peoples.
Government Type:

- Democracy

National Religion:

- Baha'i Faith

Nation Team:

Nation Created: 8/9/2007 7:41:15 PM (177 days old)
Area of Influence:
756.910 mile diameter.
461.229 in purchases, 207.092 in modifiers, 88.590 in growth
War/Peace Preference:
War is an option for Ityraea.

Their Resources:

Connected Resources:

Bonus Resources:

Trade Slots Used:

Banks: 5, Factories: 5, Harbors: 1,
National Wonders:
No national wonders.
Senate Votes:
0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank: Ranked #13,190 of 31,450 Nations (41.9%)
Nation Strength:
5,655.949 (My nation strength is: 9,906.474)


Number of Soldiers:
1,785 (2,748)
Number of Tanks:
Number of Cruise Missiles:
Number of Nuclear Weapons:
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 15 Attacking + 6,871 Defending = 6,886 Casualties
Total Population: 13,344 Supporters

:. Aggressive Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jacob
Deployed Soldiers: 8,500 (11,730) Defending Soldiers: 1,785 (2,748)
Deployed Tanks: 300 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 237.97 Defending Technology: 185.31
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,286.34
Attacking Land Area: 614.400 Defending Land Area: 549.819
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,590,573.33 Defending Money: $10,545.92
Battle Odds: 86% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 14% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Aggressive Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 1,758 soldiers
44 tanks
Ityraea Casualties: 1,226 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 18.449 miles of land from Ityraea. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within Ityraea. They also stole 5.000 technology from Ityraea. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $527.30 from the nation of Ityraea.

Message | Declare War | Trade | Aid | Save Nation | View Map | Spy | Make Donation

_:. Government Information
Nation Name: Ityraea
Ruler: Jacob

Last Activity: 2/2/2008 12:01:35 PM
National Flag: None Selected
Alliance Affiliation:
Fourty Two

About Ityraea: A nation of not lazy and unmotivated peoples.
Government Type:

- Anarchy

National Religion:

- Baha'i Faith

Nation Team:

Nation Created: 8/9/2007 7:41:15 PM (177 days old)
Area of Influence:
730.178 mile diameter.
442.780 in purchases, 198.808 in modifiers, 88.590 in growth
War/Peace Preference:
War is an option for Ityraea.

Their Resources:

Connected Resources:

Bonus Resources:

Trade Slots Used:

Banks: 5, Factories: 5, Harbors: 1,
National Wonders:
No national wonders.
Senate Votes:
0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank: Ranked #13,181 of 31,420 Nations (42.0%)
Nation Strength:
5,655.949 (My nation strength is: 9,906.474)


Number of Soldiers:
559 (797)
Number of Tanks:
Number of Cruise Missiles:
Number of Nuclear Weapons:
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 15 Attacking + 8,097 Defending = 8,112 Casualties
Total Population: 11,920 Supporters

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jacob
Deployed Soldiers: 6,742 (9,304) Defending Soldiers: 559 (797)
Deployed Tanks: 256 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 242.97 Defending Technology: 180.31
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,266.34
Attacking Land Area: 632.849 Defending Land Area: 531.370
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,591,100.63 Defending Money: $10,018.63
Battle Odds: 95% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 5% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 286 soldiers
46 tanks
Ityraea Casualties: 191 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 17.711 miles of land from Ityraea. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within Ityraea. They also stole 5.000 technology from Ityraea. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $500.93 from the nation of Ityraea.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jacob
Deployed Soldiers: 6,456 (8,909) Defending Soldiers: 368 (525)
Deployed Tanks: 210 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 247.97 Defending Technology: 175.31
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,246.34
Attacking Land Area: 650.560 Defending Land Area: 513.658
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,591,601.56 Defending Money: $9,517.69
Battle Odds: 96% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 4% Chance of Victory

You have been involved in two ground battles today against Ityraea. Your forces in this region are exhausted and cannot battle Ityraea at this time.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jacob
Deployed Soldiers: 6,456 (8,909) Defending Soldiers: 368 (525)
Deployed Tanks: 210 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 247.97 Defending Technology: 175.31
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,246.34
Attacking Land Area: 650.560 Defending Land Area: 513.658
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,591,601.56 Defending Money: $9,517.69
Battle Odds: 96% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 4% Chance of Victory

You have been involved in two ground battles today against Ityraea. Your forces in this region are exhausted and cannot battle Ityraea at this time.

This will be your first ground battle against Ityraea today. You will be able to carry out a total of two ground battle attacks against Ityraea today.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jacob
Deployed Soldiers: 200 (276) Defending Soldiers: 84 (120)
Deployed Tanks: 25 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 247.97 Defending Technology: 165.31
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,206.34
Attacking Land Area: 651.060 Defending Land Area: 480.833
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,169,715.39 Defending Money: $7,888.87
Battle Odds: 85% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 15% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 4 soldiers
3 tanks
Ityraea Casualties: 6 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Your soldiers triumphantly and decisively defeated your enemy in this battle. Your soldiers owe their lives to your hard work as their leader. In your victory your forces captured 15.670 miles of land from Ityraea. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within Ityraea. They also stole 5.000 technology from Ityraea. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $394.44 from the nation of Ityraea.
Back to your nation's War & Battles Page

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jacob
Deployed Soldiers: 196 (270) Defending Soldiers: 78 (111)
Deployed Tanks: 22 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 252.97 Defending Technology: 160.31
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,186.34
Attacking Land Area: 666.730 Defending Land Area: 465.163
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,170,109.83 Defending Money: $7,494.42
Battle Odds: 85% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 15% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 22 soldiers
2 tanks
Ityraea Casualties: 22 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: The battle was a draw in the number of lives lost, but overall at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 15.043 miles of land from Ityraea. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within Ityraea. They also stole 5.000 technology from Ityraea. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $974.28 from the nation of Ityraea.
Back to your nation's War & Battles Page
autious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: Jacob
Deployed Soldiers: 174 (240) Defending Soldiers: 56 (80)
Deployed Tanks: 20 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 257.97 Defending Technology: 155.31
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,166.34
Attacking Land Area: 681.773 Defending Land Area: 450.120
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,171,084.11 Defending Money: $6,520.15
Battle Odds: 88% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 12% Chance of Victory

You have been involved in two ground battles today against Ityraea. Your forces in this region are exhausted and cannot battle Ityraea at this time.
Author RE: War info Part 3

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Posts: 20
Joined: 04.12.07
Posted on Feb 15 2008 23:30
Including a few reports from team members.

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_:. Government Information
Nation Name: BenSavageland
Ruler: mnsara

Last Activity: 1/29/2008 7:23:47 PM
National Flag:

Alliance Affiliation:
Mars Global Order

About BenSavageland: We in BenSavageland are trying to meet the world. We have recently seperated ourselves from FredSavageland after many years of being in its shadow. Us BenSavagelandians obide by one rule and one Bensavagelandian rule only: To pay attention or we die.
Government Type:

- Totalitarian State

National Religion:

- Norse

Nation Team:

Nation Created: 11/13/2006 10:06:59 PM (442 days old)
Area of Influence:
662.787 mile diameter.
350.593 in purchases, 91.154 in modifiers, 221.039 in growth
War/Peace Preference:
War is an option for BenSavageland.

Their Resources:

Connected Resources:

Bonus Resources:
Trade Slots Used:

Banks: 3, Clinics: 2, Foreign Ministries: 1, Hospitals: 1, Intelligence Agencies: 1, Labor Camps: 1, Schools: 5, Universities: 1,
National Wonders:
No national wonders.
Senate Votes:
0 Votes
_:. Military Information
Nation Rank: Ranked #13,759 of 31,338 Nations (43.9%)
Nation Strength:
5,209.550 (My nation strength is: 8,973.342)


Number of Soldiers:
3,046 (4,624)
Number of Tanks:
Number of Cruise Missiles:
Number of Nuclear Weapons:
Number of Soldiers Lost in All Wars. 0 Attacking + 9,635 Defending = 9,635 Casualties
Total Population: 16,122 Supporters

:. Alliance Query Results
Alliance Name Total Nations Active Nations Percent Active Strength Avg. Strength Nukes Score
Mars Global Order
1 1 100% 5,210 5,210 0 0.03

:. Aggressive Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 12,500 (18,630) Defending Soldiers: 3,046 (4,624)
Deployed Tanks: 300 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 141.49 Defending Technology: 89.74
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,300.11
Attacking Land Area: 521.333 Defending Land Area: 571.632
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $4,485,695.15 Defending Money: $1,592,914.52
Battle Odds: 84% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 16% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Aggressive Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 4,248 soldiers
53 tanks
BenSavageland Casualties: 2,157 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 14.024 miles of land from BenSavageland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within BenSavageland. They also stole 4.487 technology from BenSavageland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $31,858.29 from the nation of BenSavageland.
Back to your nation's War & Battles Page

:. Received Message
To: Kwinin From: Mringasa 1/29/2008 10:32:36 PM Subject: Results from Second Battle.
835 (1141) soldiers vs 382 (580)

63% chance of victory.

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
Queratalpec Casualties: 138 soldiers
0 tanks
BenSavageland Casualties: 92 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 12.407 miles of land from BenSavageland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within BenSavageland. They also stole 3.847 technology from BenSavageland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $180,979.49 from the nation of BenSavageland.

First battle was the same outcome in terms of loot. Just a bit less cash (like 130k?) and 4.01 tech. Was 1000 soldiers vs his leftovers from your assault.


Report Message

Received Message
To: Kwinin From: Vinniemac 1/29/2008 11:03:35 PM Subject: RE: tech raid
You have been attacked by Vinniemac. You lost 6 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 9 soldiers and 14 tanks. Their forces razed 0.000 miles of your land, stole 0.000 technology, and destroyed 0.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $0.00 from you and you gained $5,991.67 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Victory. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

You have been attacked by Vinniemac. You lost 17 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 11 soldiers and 6 tanks. Their forces razed 11.911 miles of your land, stole 3.655 technology, and destroyed 20.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $182,574.32 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Report Message

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 7,808 (11,637) Defending Soldiers: 267 (405)
Deployed Tanks: 231 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 150.24 Defending Technology: 69.44
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,200.11
Attacking Land Area: 548.820 Defending Land Area: 506.903
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $4,548,774.56 Defending Money: $1,034,587.80
Battle Odds: 98% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 2% Chance of Victory

You have been involved in two ground battles today against BenSavageland. Your forces in this region are exhausted and cannot battle BenSavageland at this time.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 700 (1,043) Defending Soldiers: 214 (325)
Deployed Tanks: 100 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 200.24 Defending Technology: 69.44
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,200.11
Attacking Land Area: 549.320 Defending Land Area: 507.403
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,205,875.64 Defending Money: $1,037,486.42
Battle Odds: 89% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 11% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 68 soldiers
20 tanks
BenSavageland Casualties: 59 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 11.435 miles of land from BenSavageland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within BenSavageland. They also stole 3.472 technology from BenSavageland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $62,249.19 from the nation of BenSavageland.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 632 (942) Defending Soldiers: 155 (235)
Deployed Tanks: 80 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 203.71 Defending Technology: 65.97
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,180.11
Attacking Land Area: 560.754 Defending Land Area: 495.969
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,268,124.83 Defending Money: $975,237.24
Battle Odds: 90% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 10% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 83 soldiers
16 tanks
BenSavageland Casualties: 56 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 10.977 miles of land from BenSavageland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within BenSavageland. They also stole 3.299 technology from BenSavageland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $136,533.21 from the nation of BenSavageland.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 549 (818) Defending Soldiers: 55 (83)
Deployed Tanks: 64 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 207.01 Defending Technology: 56.56
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,120.11
Attacking Land Area: 571.731 Defending Land Area: 464.337
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $2,404,658.04 Defending Money: $756,930.38
Battle Odds: 96% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 4% Chance of Victory

You have been involved in two ground battles today against BenSavageland. Your forces in this region are exhausted and cannot battle BenSavageland at this time.

:. Received Message
To: Kwinin From: Vinniemac 1/30/2008 12:19:09 AM Subject: tech raid
You have been attacked by Vinniemac. You lost 37 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 55 soldiers and 3 tanks. Their forces razed 10.538 miles of your land, stole 3.134 technology, and destroyed 20.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $41,935.20 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

You have been attacked by Vinniemac. You lost 7 soldiers and 0 tanks. You killed 5 soldiers and 4 tanks. Their forces razed 10.117 miles of your land, stole 2.977 technology, and destroyed 20.000 infrastructure. Their forces looted $39,838.44 from you and you gained $0.00 in your enemy's abandoned equipment. In the end the battle was a Defeat. Any existing peace offers that were on the table have been automatically canceled.

Report Message

:. Received Message
To: Kwinin From: Mringasa 1/30/2008 6:29:30 AM Subject: RE: Results from Second 2nd
lost 30 soldiers to his 28 both times. I ended up losing $200.00 and 1,500.00 on them both. Nothing else occurred.


Report Message

:. Sent Message
To: mnsara From: Kwinin 1/31/2008 9:37:05 AM Subject: Defeat Alert
Your nation has been defeated in battle. You do not have enough troops to defend your nation and your government has been thrown into Anarchy. You have lost all of your tanks, 0 spies, 40.00 infrastructure has been destroyed, 2.83 technology was lost and $30,623.26 of your money reserves was destroyed due to the invasion and resulting riots. What troops you did have deployed have also been returned home.

This will be your first ground battle against BenSavageland today. You will be able to carry out a total of two ground battle attacks against BenSavageland today.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 175 (261) Defending Soldiers: 55 (83)
Deployed Tanks: 0 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 207.01 Defending Technology: 53.73
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,080.11
Attacking Land Area: 572.231 Defending Land Area: 464.837
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $1,974,791.88 Defending Money: $581,841.86
Battle Odds: 79% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 21% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Defeat
kwondimonium Casualties: 10 soldiers
0 tanks
BenSavageland Casualties: 7 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Your forces fought bravely but were decisively defeated in battle. There were no land spoils of war captured in this battle. There was no infrastructure destroyed in this battle. There was no technology stolen in this battle. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $296,218.78. Your forces looted $0.00 from the nation of BenSavageland.
Back to your nation's War & Battles Page

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 165 (246) Defending Soldiers: 48 (73)
Deployed Tanks: 0 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 207.01 Defending Technology: 53.73
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,080.11
Attacking Land Area: 572.231 Defending Land Area: 464.837
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $1,678,573.10 Defending Money: $878,060.65
Battle Odds: 80% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 20% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 18 soldiers
0 tanks
BenSavageland Casualties: 12 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Many of your soldiers lives were lost in this battle, even more than your enemy, but at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 9.712 miles of land from BenSavageland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within BenSavageland. They also stole 2.687 technology from BenSavageland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $105,367.28 from the nation of BenSavageland.
Back to your nation's War & Battles Page

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 147 (219) Defending Soldiers: 36 (55)
Deployed Tanks: 0 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 209.69 Defending Technology: 51.05
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,060.11
Attacking Land Area: 581.943 Defending Land Area: 455.125
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $1,783,940.38 Defending Money: $772,693.37
Battle Odds: 83% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 17% Chance of Victory

You have been involved in two ground battles today against BenSavageland. Your forces in this region are exhausted and cannot battle BenSavageland at this time.

Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 147 (219) Defending Soldiers: 36 (55)
Deployed Tanks: 0 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 209.69 Defending Technology: 51.05
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,060.11
Attacking Land Area: 582.443 Defending Land Area: 455.625
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $1,354,336.22 Defending Money: $772,693.37
Battle Odds: 83% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 17% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 5 soldiers
0 tanks
BenSavageland Casualties: 8 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: Your soldiers triumphantly and decisively defeated your enemy in this battle. Your soldiers owe their lives to your hard work as their leader. In your victory your forces captured 9.323 miles of land from BenSavageland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within BenSavageland. They also stole 2.552 technology from BenSavageland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $84,996.27 from the nation of BenSavageland.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 142 (212) Defending Soldiers: 28 (43)
Deployed Tanks: 0 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 212.25 Defending Technology: 48.49
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,040.11
Attacking Land Area: 591.767 Defending Land Area: 446.302
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $1,439,332.49 Defending Money: $687,697.10
Battle Odds: 85% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 15% Chance of Victory

:. Battle Results
Battle Type: Cautious Ground Attack
Battle Outcome: Victory
kwondimonium Casualties: 1 soldiers
0 tanks
BenSavageland Casualties: 1 soldiers
0 tanks
Battle Details: The battle was a draw in the number of lives lost, but overall at the end of the battle your army was victorious. In your victory your forces captured 8.951 miles of land from BenSavageland. They also destroyed 20.000 infrastructure within BenSavageland. They also stole 2.425 technology from BenSavageland. The value of your equipment abandoned in the battle was $0.00. Your forces looted $75,646.68 from the nation of BenSavageland.

:. Cautious Ground Attack About Battles


Attacking Ruler: Kwinin Defending Ruler: mnsara
Deployed Soldiers: 141 (210) Defending Soldiers: 27 (41)
Deployed Tanks: 0 Defending Tanks: 0
Attacking Technology: 214.67 Defending Technology: 46.07
Attacking Infrastructure: 1,999.99 Defending Infrastructure: 1,020.11
Attacking Land Area: 600.717 Defending Land Area: 437.351
Attacking DEFCON:
Defending DEFCON:

Attacking Money: $1,514,979.17 Defending Money: $612,050.42
Battle Odds: 86% Chance of Victory Battle Odds: 14% Chance of Victory

You have been involved in two ground battles today against BenSavageland. Your forces in this region are exhausted and cannot battle BenSavageland at this time.
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Jan 17 2025 20:47
testing one two! is the Shoutbox broken, or just the Game Updates?

Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

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Nov 27 2024 14:11
Hippo successfully morphs from Hero 868 to become Lord Hippo.
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Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:06
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Aug 10 2024 09:06
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