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2003-06-21 02:32:25
turn on nofight as soon as the mud crashes or router lag is detected. can cause some serious cr/corpse rot issues.

Dawiz can decide. Nofight doesn't stop corpse rot.

2003-06-21 02:57:39
add remort races to help tnl (min, dsd, ...)

Approved Level I if not already approved.

2003-06-21 02:58:44
sort them in some way too maybe

They are. You just don't understand how we sort.

2003-06-21 05:58:54
I think we need to hire some people who could be dedicated to helping newcomers.

They're called Angels.

2003-06-21 05:59:36
I visited Achaea and got surprised to find some people almost 24hrs online answering questions from newbies.

Achaea is a pay mud, yes? Apples and oranges.

2003-06-21 05:59:54
Also, I think we should vote for this mud on Topmudsites to attract more mudders.

We could. We have. It's time consuming to remind people. It shows how hard it is...just remind players every 3 hours and you are in the top 10. Remind them that we'll give them a prize and we win. If another IMM wants to take up the gauntlet, so be it. I got my trophy win already. I've moved on.

2003-06-21 06:01:13
A mud with only heroes and lords(or their lowmort alts) is hopeless..

They're not all lowmort alts. But I agree. My priority right now is developing and continuing to grow as a game.

2003-06-21 14:53:13
class defining rogue skill: fast talking. using their powers of sneakiness and deception, a rogue can spout off a bunch of nonsense about their own innocence. this skill would be used against a mob which was attacking the rogue, and would have an effect similar to the calm or awe spells, allowing the rogue to sneak off safely, or line up another sneak attack


2003-06-21 14:55:45
another high level rogue skill: weave. A master rogue uses their expert dexterity to dodge in between monsters which are trying to kill the rogue. The intended affect is to cause one of the mobs to accidentally hit another mob, starting a fight between the rogue's enemies. If this skill fails, the rogue would most likely get pounded on extra hard by all parties involved, or maybe some of the rogue's g


2003-06-21 14:57:16
instakills! fights are short enough on this mud that I wouldn't see this being horribly unbalancing. give mages a power word kill which randomly kills mobs in one hit, give rogues an insta kill chance on high level backstab-type skills, maybe give monks a chance to off their foes with a dim mak, who knows. make the odds of an instakill super low, so it is something special to brag about


2003-06-21 15:28:29
a "You quicken your spell!" message when you cast with quicken on

Spammy. No.

2003-06-21 19:01:40
Pogo social. You hop around on your pogo stick! You see Aranor hopping around madly on a pogo stick. What a nut. (pogo someone) You toss a pogo stick at (someone) and tell them "Get to bouncin!"


2003-06-21 20:44:10
when a lord reaches 999 have tnl go back to racial instead of 2.5x racial


2003-06-21 21:00:38
reset setmin/out upon remort/rebuild


2003-06-21 23:35:33
alignment gear.

Yeah. Alignment Gear.

2003-06-22 00:46:23
allow quaffing and eating from ground again


2003-06-22 02:08:24
make help colors display the color word in that color so as to easily see if it works well with your prefered background/client settings

Approved Level I.

2003-06-22 03:03:42
Denied Character.Appeals can be mailed to appeal@avatar.outland.org. Is the message you get upon login, but in help appeal, the addy is appeal@outland.org. Which is it? Maybe change the login message, or the help file?

I think they both work. I may be wrong.

2003-06-22 03:14:02
ether sense, magus sense, or some such...mage/sor (possibly psi) class definer. In the vein of Detect Curse from last week's list, notify the caster when they enter a nospell room. "The flow of the ether is disrupted here!" "You feel the ether buckle as your magic slips away" etc...*grin* "You sense a disturbance in the ether!"

Approved Level III. Auto-skill. Mage/Sor only. need a better name.

2003-06-22 03:16:08
in channel color change, allow change in gt

no. be grateful for what you have. I told him to only do it for a few channels.

2003-06-22 06:32:03
having logged on this morning and and yet another container full of gear is missing my idea submitted AGAIN: toggle command for containers so they cant be sold it would save so much pain and time if it was implimented

be more careful. no. it's part of the game.

2003-06-22 10:02:07
Silverbeard in Stonehall should also sell healing potions and satchels like Jim in The Meadow. Once low level characters move to Stonehall as a recall point it would be nice to have those items there to assist them in leveling instead of them asking where to get them.


2003-06-22 11:11:54
tier worship sacrifice spells with the associated bonuses/negatives for worship choice.

not in this form.

2003-06-22 11:46:44
half giant race, they wouldnt be quite as dumb as normal giants, but they also wouldnt have the big hp or the strength of a giant either


2003-06-22 11:57:04
might be a pain but a (restrung) on bows like you have (sharp) on weapons


2003-06-22 14:13:03
Hmmmm gods giving people gold for sacrifices.... isn't it funny? Gods should be giving out some hp or mana not gold


2003-06-22 15:57:33
if you have failed morph, worth or score should show you what level you have to get back too

I believe it does in score.

2003-06-22 16:05:18
A Petition Ability :)


2003-06-22 16:09:47
I think the socials of avatar need a little addition... Bah.... this small term would make a world of difference to my fellow avatarians and me.

that is already on the list.

2003-06-22 16:56:38
bashed mobs take more damage from spells.. they are vounerable..


2003-06-22 17:02:13
fix the monks in shogun that cast disintegrate.... *boggle*

They're monk magi. The next evolution. 8)

2003-06-22 20:02:36
For charge shield, a way to remove charges from a shield. Useful for when you get sick of soloing a sprite mage and go back to an ogre warrior.


2003-06-22 21:45:29
new area room. THE MirroRs. when a group enters this room a changling like copy is created of each group member and attacks the copied. they copy any attack made by there copy. if you surge 5. they surge 5 back. you smash it will smash. and so forth.


2003-06-22 22:14:14
card socail, play cards

no. i'd rather have real card games.

2003-06-22 22:34:08
let psions be able to "surge" offensive mind spells sacrificing their own hp


2003-06-23 00:41:33
Jewlers Lore: In-class skill for mages, Out-of-class for all others. allows character to determine condition of jewelery items. Condition toggled as per weapon/armor items. We need something to see condition of jewelery items for smithing. Maybe another name so it does not get confused with the new gemstone skills.


2003-06-23 00:45:22
if you didnt get max gains when you leveled, and now your repeating those levels, you have a small chance of getting the rest of hte gain you missed the time before.

no. we are not going to track all of your level gains in your pfile.

2003-06-23 07:41:26
we also need a flay social

Approved Level I.

2003-06-23 12:16:55
object scan for psis, strange they have no identify, would allow them to take up the object in their minds, not read it but look at it closely considerably well, object identify etc


2003-06-23 13:12:00
if shizaga is goddess of Luck, Chaos, and Enchantment she should be able to work with enchants.. but because it could be twinky and stuff I dunno.. like maybe if say this is the thread of enchants.. 20% vape 60% nothing 15% normal 5% bril.... with her ass the goddess say +40% vape -40% nothing -10% normal +10% bril

uhm. it's tricky.

2003-06-23 13:29:24
Sage should be like a priest/mage combo.. like get spells from both (kinda like a shaman) but none of the most powerful spells.. no invince from the priest side.. no disint.. Kinda like Red Mage from FF1.. give them the ideal of casting all the time (so no psionic, or melee combat.. even at hero) lessen spell cost by innate abilities like (Sage Ability 3! - lower all spell cost by 5%) Sage ability 4! lo

you lost me at "like Red Mage from FF1"

2003-06-23 15:20:23
change all deep gnomes to gnomes! And imp a smurf race!

I agree with consolidating races more. No on smurfs.

2003-06-23 15:25:02
in prompt, %z could be for ppl who know map lore as well :)


2003-06-23 15:52:15
when you fail rescue have the target of your rescue see a message, instead of thinking you are letting them die!

i thought this was approved.

2003-06-23 17:59:06
make mv points completely separate between thorngate and midgaardia, like hp and mana are (currently, you maintain the same current mv between planes, and only total changes)

mv is pointless as is. consider it broken.

2003-06-23 21:02:41
how about an additional boost to armor opt via a hero 101 skill armor enhancment increasing the armor opt bonus slightly


2003-06-23 23:00:23
change this line as follows. Baron's sword glows a |bb|brilliant blue!|n|


2003-06-23 23:49:21
when you social a mob instead of it mimicking you or slapping you make it random

Approved Level III. (investigate whether possible.)

2003-06-24 00:04:57
Add a check for kgs carried when getting items from a container. If you are over/at your max you should not be able to get items from a container.

It should already do that. If you are holding the container, it doesn't matter if you're maxed. If it is on the ground...it matters. Or is this in relation to lockers?

2003-06-24 01:13:05
help imp: discuss "imp"ing of gear on area repops and discuss the imp that takes away the newbie death gear

Approved Level I.

2003-06-24 01:16:18
add a count feature to where similar to who


2003-06-24 05:40:06
Remove shadow from from sorceror hlist. They don't get sneak, so why shadow form? Sorceror egos don't allow them to be sneaky at all.

Sorcerers not sneaky? Bah.

2003-06-24 10:48:47
when enchanting something... if your holding it and it explodes you would think the shredded peices would hurt coming at you. *wink*


2003-06-24 11:06:52
put sanc in it's own plane, lords shadow there, as in arena, and make midgaardia astral for lords, but allow gurney/mercy for CR help


2003-06-24 11:14:41
skill 'sunwatch' (needs a better name) allows player to guestemate when tics will occur by watching the sun, possible blindness if used for too long a period, possible fatigue. Toggleable. Sounds like a scholar skill to me but who knows...


2003-06-24 11:18:00
astrology again sounds scholarish. Be able to study the stars and determine global position and determine where rooms you have studied the stars in general direction from the room you are currently in. Maybe a cap on the number of rooms you can keep in memory. Might be a good skill for low mort help new players navigate..


2003-06-24 11:24:48
astrology example: 'study stars position one' You have memorized the formation of stars lets hope they help you find your way back! - An alternative to recall set? Maybe good for cursed areas - 'find position one' You study the stars and determine position one to be northwest from here. - Hmm sounds like a form of track but would work globally -


2003-06-24 11:28:53
score stats: have score show: current stat/current max stat (base stat) so in example: You have 1545/1847 (1796) hits.

no. the code doesn't work that way.

2003-06-24 11:33:04
skill for somebody: 'Build barrier' Build a barrier in one or more directions in a room. Give the wall some random hp amount - preferably quite a bit - Let mobs be able to attack wall and destroy it trying to get to groups or character. Have a dismantle barrier command only for the char who built it.

already approved.

2003-06-24 11:36:03
more on barrier: Maybe more advanced skills later on that lets chars build a fortress - could be usefull in areas like divide or morte - and possibly have gates to the fortress. Also have a repair skill for barriers if mobs on the other side are attacking the wall. Also be able to monitor walls condition.


2003-06-24 11:39:21
barrier cont. Could be a neat skill that might spawn people creating fortresses of their own in their favorite areas. Give mages/psions a spell to create a magical forcefield around the wall to prevent pass door. Oh man infinite possibilties. A reboot would clear all barriers. Sounds fun...


2003-06-24 12:01:53
new channel called learn. people can talk about what they know and what they dont. Like nchat but more for hero's


2003-06-24 12:42:59
the help colors should have the code, and then the color it makes, next to it. is bk - |bk|bright black

already approved in this email.

2003-06-24 16:51:41
lord-allow lords, through mentor other skill, teach their specific class skills higher than the regular skill list teachable through mentor others


2003-06-24 18:36:44
failed bash should do minimal damage to both the basher and the bashee


2003-06-24 19:07:11
allow monks to block kick attacks with their own kick attacks. leg blocking similar to techniques used in RL martial arts

mobs rarely kick. pointless until that changes.

2003-06-24 19:40:52
Baa social 'You Baa like a sheep' 'You Baa loudly at whomever.' perhaps longer BaaaaAAAAaaaAs

Approved Level I.

2003-06-24 21:33:42
we have unholy symbols for cure poison, how about one that cure's disease?


2003-06-24 23:16:10
Would be nice if mage staffs (as weapons) added special enhancement to the mage .. much like archer items do. Incentive to wear inclass items. Same for many classes/items of course, and I'm sure this idea has been thrown around, just want to put in my 2 cents that it'd be a very nice addition. I love trying out the different combinations of archer gear/pure HR gear.

not right now. something else needs implementing first.

2003-06-24 23:48:05
since you asked for a skill name. Atama-atemi (head strike) for the monk headbutt skill name. aim-able shatterstrike that inflicts damage upon the user because they're striking with their noggin.

keep trying. the name doesn't work for me.

2003-06-25 00:06:14
monk skill-lord-drunken style kung-fu...allow lord monks to ingest alcoholic beverages to increase AC but decrease hit dam. Afterall..a wobbly monk is a hard monk to hit


2003-06-25 00:18:14
when monks attempt and succede at a critical strike...allow all other strikes for that instant also take advantage of golden strike. A martial artist who has the opening to do serious damage willnot let it close again. the same could be said for golden strike


2003-06-25 00:43:45
make a help repop, could be one of the keywords to help tick/tic

approved level I.

2003-06-25 02:22:25
take out shadow gen and make new lords' shadow stats whatever they were when they morphed

maybe one day.

2003-06-25 03:01:24
make get all.x and put all.x consistent in their use of abbreviations: get all.cook will only get all cooks, even if cookies exist, but put all.cook will put all "cook"s, "cooker"s, and "cookie"s.

the code doesn't allow this easilly. we could make get all worse. not put all better.

2003-06-25 03:51:19
let angels cr shadows who die on midgaardia


2003-06-25 05:15:24
statues should not have entrials. "The entrails of Statue of the Evil Dark Ruler rests here"

we can get rid of bodyparts because they make no sense. or we could get rid of statues as mobs.

2003-06-25 05:27:26
do not allow creatures who have no childhoold to be affected by ego whip ^^


2003-06-25 05:30:00
replace weaponlore at monk level 35 with something more useful. By this level, monks arent using weapons in the first place

knowledge is the key.

2003-06-25 05:31:50
have mindlash and brainstorm not work on constructs. no concious mind to affect

no. we don't have that kind of detailed information on our mobs.

2003-06-25 05:55:34
i notice that only spells increase in proficency with use. Why not regular skills? Example: web for me is at 97...yet open hand has stayed at 95 since i've gotten it @_@. You'd think that being a monk, such a basic skill would have improved


2003-06-25 06:07:13
allow only one 'create spring' spell per room.

Approved Level III.

2003-06-25 06:14:12
have the prompt 'the day has begun' be in yellow instead of blue. use blue for night


2003-06-25 06:14:38
same thing with 'the sun rises in the east'


2003-06-25 07:42:03
we need a debate channel :/ chat and or hero gets spammy when people start arguing


2003-06-25 11:08:53
Change the min level on neph blades to 51, just like every other quest/ticket item


2003-06-25 14:07:43
After a failed morph, add a line or add to the current 'Snikt tells you etc..' line a count of how many more levels you need to start gaining stats again.


2003-06-25 14:45:35
I think that Herothanks should be brought back, but you should only receive them when you get to hero. That would result in less people making chars for herothanks and less people selling them and wont let people herothank their own chars. thanks


2003-06-25 18:41:17
set up infirmry's to take money out of your account like demon bank does since you can't carrey as much gold now


2003-06-25 18:55:24
a prompt thing, maybe %sc? For surge cost. Would be nice to see : <Surge: 4 Cost: 495> One for quicken might be usefull as well.


2003-06-25 22:47:41
Add color to the message line when a staff/wand runs out of charges and disappears.


2003-06-25 23:20:07
looking at the room you are in shouldn't cancel hide :/

I agree. I've always thought that to make hide pointless. Approved Level III. Typing look should be fine. People hidden should be more hidden than move hidden. Maybe Hide should be considered 'advanced'...harder to find you unless someone searches the room while detect hidden on.

2003-06-26 01:45:13
how about a command to bring a certain player to the top of the list without having to relog?


2003-06-26 02:15:56
like channel colors, I think that info colors would be a nice idea, I like having all info on, but some I deem more important then others

no. be happy with what you have.

2003-06-26 02:25:14
for when you cant reach your locker, maybe to check things, a c loc locker? For items in YOUR locker?


2003-06-26 03:29:28
have |n| be a neutral colour. if i say hero /n/test people will see it as the color they have the channel set to. so you can avoid bleeding a color the person doesn't have set


2003-06-26 03:32:12
we should have a cuss social which goes like (persons name) swear hits the (target's) fellings with TERMINAL brutalty! (target) breaks down and crys


2003-06-26 03:33:55
A calamari social. Neuromancer look for a mind flayer to deep fry.

Approved Level I.

2003-06-26 05:34:21
make psychic drain/psisting/midlash/brainstorm/psionic blast/ultrablast part of a prereq chain (psionic blast as a prereq for ultrablast, brainstorm as a prereq for psionic blast, etc)

Approved Level II.

2003-06-26 08:15:28
Would be nice to have a warning like in Mt. Durr (To Divide) to make people aware that entering the alley to the west from Drow City leads you one-way into Veil of Ecstacy, and you can't walk back.

well that'd ruin the fun.

2003-06-26 10:23:40
put class on who list for heros


2003-06-26 11:02:22
reference help demonbank in help bank

approved level I

2003-06-26 16:48:54
make skunks spray and make mobs want to stay away....would make the game more interesting cause you would have to work harder for kills


2003-06-26 17:05:17
Death Wind: Duration spell, if character dies while under it's effect, area damage to mobs in room, possibility of decaying the corpse.


2003-06-26 17:06:08
Parting Gift: Duration spell, if character dies while under it's effect, mass heal or mass divinity or random hp gift to characters/groupies in room.


2003-06-26 18:25:31
deposit all will deposit all gemstones and all coins ... or deposit all gemstone will deposit all gemstones

not right now. i'll put it on the task list, however. Approved Level III - Create <deposit all gemstone> to take all gemstones in inventory and deposit them until such time as the bank account is full.

2003-06-26 18:29:30
racial butcher.. eating steaks butchered from corpse restores 5hp each.


2003-06-26 18:45:28
bashdoor should make mobs in the room or in the next room aggie to the basher

I agree. not now.

2003-06-26 18:58:34
make breath attack another hit for dragons like tail strike and claw


2003-06-26 19:21:59
kzinti homeworld should be a safe place for kzinti's


2003-06-26 21:08:05
wearing and taking off gear takes more time. but is easier for some races/class of your choice


2003-06-26 21:32:12
one in game trigger for all players


2003-06-26 23:18:27
make the prereqs for manifest (currently mage-only) gem lore and weapon lore to match the prereqs for embed (currently warrior-only) [currently, the warrior-only embed skill is a prerequisite for the mage-only manifest skill]

approved level ii.

2003-06-26 23:38:14
Quicken's mana needs to be brought in line with mana costs.


2003-06-27 01:58:33
When typing 'buddylist', swap the positions of the first two lines. Makes more sense to have 'People who share your body value:' actually above the list.

Approved Level II.

2003-06-27 03:04:22
Remove the effects of hide/invis from the buddy channel. After all you have chosen to speak to these people, it would be nice if you could always be sure of who said what.


2003-06-27 03:17:44
make psychic drain have a (small) chance of draining some of the target's mental points


2003-06-27 04:35:55
make failed morph give a partial restore to lords..hey, that energy's gotta go somewhere, right?


2003-06-27 09:31:01
update help map to reflect the removal of dwarven kingdom

Approved Level I.

2003-06-27 10:08:02
put dark embrace a bit longer in duration


2003-06-27 10:24:52
help harmonize says "Occasionally, using this spell will backfire on you." it would be cool if occasionally, a failed harmonize would curse the item, or curse the caster, or randomly curse one of the items in the caster's equipment/inventory


2003-06-27 11:38:27
how about a water balloon social?


2003-06-27 11:51:37
give psis on higher lvl a skill like heighten senses that will alow them to notice when ppl/mobs that have sneak are moving


2003-06-27 11:56:07
Can remove the "People who share your buddy value:" line when typing buddylist to reduce spam (info's obvious)


2003-06-27 12:17:20
make bounty have no safe room save. meaning your not safe in safe rooms. Then use bounty a lot more, incases a player does something to offend the mud or groups of people. Maybe bounty so that only female players can win the bounty even


2003-06-27 14:06:08
read an idea by tes on the website about sharpening weapons and that lag should be in front.. how about simply make the message into two parts one that is displayed before (like starting to sharpen) and one that is displayed after the lag (like this weapons seams a little more dull than before), well just a thought.. dont know how hard this is to imp and such, but at least i think it would be more realis


2003-06-27 14:20:55
short form words for gemstones at bank


2003-06-27 14:43:12
allow rogues to (pardon i can't think of the right phrase) recharge/renew a pickpick/disarm item


2003-06-27 15:32:14
TIPS channel-broadcasts hints/tips to players every few minutes (automated)

was planned...

2003-06-27 16:59:00
Minor Inconvienience: When there is a reboot, you lose any keys that you may have.. is it possible that that wouldn't happen because you're not actually leaving the game?


2003-06-27 17:40:51
a command that tells you where your recall is set to

approved already, i believe.

2003-06-27 18:24:26
It would be nice if in the info displayed when typing 'group' there was an (AFK) before the groupies who are afk. Just convienience. :)


2003-06-27 18:33:31
i think you responded to another idea of mine about enchanting save vs spell on gear, you had replied that save vs spell wasn't working. be cool if it did. *duck*

it's complicated.

2003-06-27 19:20:15
bring back sleeping players have much +ac mod then wake or resting players

It was abused by players who sleep mobs. Like Lords on hero mobs for their buddies.

2003-06-27 20:00:54
allow notake/nosummon easy configs, like turning off color would be just 'color' also, there are a few other configs I cant think of atm, I just think it'd be easier for all configs to just type the name for on/off... Dont know anyone who acually uses the config +blahblah...

I use config +. You will too if you want to use notake/nosummon.

2003-06-27 20:08:57
why not combine all the board notes in the same number value. then you just type note read 345 and you read that board. maybe personal would have its own cuss its so busy


2003-06-27 21:30:55
notake should prevent people from casting magic light on you

It should. Approved Level III.

2003-06-27 21:59:49
i know i'm not a mort, but when i start one, i really try to play them on their 'own money' - shouldn't healing potions go down in price by now? the cure light ones

A tad soon.

2003-06-27 22:33:36
How about we make magic missile grow in power, ala Icewind Dale ? I'm not sure, but maybe it's even in the D&D rules.. for example, make several projectiles at higher levels, with same damage potential.

Lost me at "icewind dale". Baldur's Gate had the same magic missile spell. Icewind dale is a hack-n-slash post-BG game using the same engine. You should try it unless you get bored easilly. Use ranged weapons and create mob spells.

2003-06-27 22:42:06
give sprites racial detect invis, since they're finely attuned to the magical world and often go invisible themselves


2003-06-27 23:44:08
make help gem of destiny and help sithiss the same level; the former (obliquely) refers to the latter


2003-06-27 23:44:41
show random command to room, including sleeping people


2003-06-27 23:45:05
or as an alternative, show it to the group like the groupstats command.


2003-06-28 00:31:06
command that lets you empty a bag on the ground

interesting idea. Approved Level III. do_empty <container> Should bypass detection spells and empty all items.

2003-06-28 00:31:06
Make Ultimoose quest ticket a random pop after reboot. Too many heroes, myself included, do not have a chance to get it because people camp/recall set/basically cheat, to obtain it for a whole 5ac better in hitgear.

no. Approved Level IV - Unique Quest Tracker. Keeps track via bits on what quests have already been completed and blocks players from doing certain quests multiple times. We don't have that many like this...should be doable.

2003-06-28 01:11:31
(Locate Monster):: high level psi spell, allows psi to locate mobiles in a plane much like current locate object works. Some mobiles may be set to no_locate to give them a godly shield against the detection by this mortal spell.


2003-06-28 01:13:43
(Locate Life) I think calling the spell I mentioned before as this would be slightly more in theme with a psi.


2003-06-28 01:14:46
people and mobbies in a room should be different colors. people are cyan and maybe mobbies are yellow or something


2003-06-28 01:47:30
Clear Racial Fatigue on death: Have there be an extra xp penalty on the death if they have 1 or more fatigue in their affects list.


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Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

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Game Updates
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!
Aug 10 2024 08:52
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now open for business! Come witness the carnage!