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2004-10-10 18:52:16
There is no message IN ROOM when a corpse is taken out of the room by eulogy. (maybe thren too?)

Code limitation. Hard to send messages to room when the only marker is an item.

2004-10-10 19:39:31
2handed weapons should get a bonus to smash. maybe +50% or so?

Who says they don't?

2004-10-11 21:50:23
Add overconfidence to the list of spells that steadfast protects against.

Actually, steadfast should make you MORE vulnerable to overconf.

2004-10-12 19:19:42
mass rescue command

How many people can you dive in front of at once?

2004-10-12 23:36:38
backstab should only be able to be performed when the player is sneaking

Sneak already impacts bs success chances.

2004-10-15 15:37:29
update the help file on remort to show that remort chars have to go an extra 100 levels if they want to remort again...eg to go trl i have to go to 125 instead of 25...or dsd i have to go to 200 instead of 100

lvl 1, someone double check and add if needed

2004-10-15 18:36:57
instead of puff for ubercon ads in sanctum. use the name ubercon. the player pufff is getting gaged, and he's a nice player.

What happened to Vlad?

2004-10-15 19:18:29
shouldnt bzks have a way to get to battle at lord without relying on others? what kind of berserking barbarian relys on others to send him to battle...he

One that travels across planes.

2004-10-15 20:30:25

My sentiments exactly.

I deleted about 10 suggestions this week by two certain people which basically boiled down to "make rog/asn better." Not gonna fly, folks.

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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

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Jul 27 2024 10:45
Lisa has become a Bladedancer.
Jul 26 2024 22:24
Xendurth has become a Bodyguard.
Jul 26 2024 17:44
Thaldur successfully morphs from Hero 747 to become Lord Thaldur.
Jul 25 2024 21:47
Winxa has become a Wizard.
Jul 25 2024 15:27
Juice successfully morphs from Hero 999 to become Lord Juice.