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Newbie Tip
Low level archers needing to buy arrows or bolts should visit the Fletcher's daughter in Stonehall and the Fletcher who has his shop to the south of Aelmon in Midgaard City. A low level fletching kit is available for sale from Liam in Wayside. - Riviat
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2005-08-06 11:16:33
Make imm notes show up in white or some distinguishing color bc unless it's well formatted, it may get easily overlooked.

just pay more attention. all the good notes are on quest or imm boards anyway.

2005-08-06 19:23:16
when a mob flees it should forget it was tripped recently thus you should be able to initiate fight with a trip on a fleeing mob


2005-08-07 06:31:59
have active skills like kick and smash tingle as well?

it was buggy

2005-08-07 18:19:08
remorts should keep their channels, most people who remort always have another alt at that tier so they're not really missing antyhing, it doesnt' give them

lord council?

2005-08-07 20:35:10
separate hero and mort hog times

decent idea but we're already stretching the hog management energy pretty thin

2005-08-07 22:17:52
a healer at centre of thorn that sells stuff maybe even transfers for bzks?

For the thousandth time NO! Getting off plane for a bzk will NEVER get any easier.

yes, there are other ways to get exp. and yes, clerics aren't made easy, but if anything, clerics should be known as the one getting killed often, rather than

yeh i know. still, my naked useless little cleric gets more group request than my other heroes

2005-08-08 16:28:20
mass invinc/mass steel/mass bark at like lord 500

c 'group a priest' self (for the invince at least. the others, yer outta luck)

2005-08-08 22:24:37
(legend) a skill/spell that allows casters to change target mid combat... the cost is either a set amount of hp from tank or the damage the caster does is

you know you can just cast spells on whoever the heck you want to, right?

2005-08-09 03:19:04
I think a mage should be called wzd and a wizard should be called warlock... mage is oldschool and with avatar changing originality is awesome. besides

I think jimmies should be called "hundreds 'n' thousands"

2005-08-09 04:23:24
have a who search like note search, who search <word> for example who searc HoC


2005-08-09 08:21:17
an ant race?

Dev hates non humanoid races

2005-08-09 10:28:51
payback and watchful eye should work together

They uh, do.

2005-08-09 11:15:06
clear corpse a skill that allows one to remove items from acorpse without having to put it in your inventory. useful for getting stuff out of a corpse so one


2005-08-09 13:16:59
sanced mobs give more xp than normal mobs

maybe later, as part of an exp overhaul

2005-08-09 20:03:26
let bci get savvy as they are a casting class as well as melee. They would do well to learn the ways of increasing their mental power so they could more

they're not a casting class.

2005-08-09 22:12:34
new act type for mobs: monitor. It will attack folks who are too high (heros, lords) for an area, unless a pc corpse is on the ground in the area


2005-08-09 22:51:13
vsing without a target at lord should vs with every attack

How bout the mobs just explode when you enter the room and the gear flies magically into your inventory, enchanting itself in midair?

2005-08-10 02:34:21
quick draw for asn since they are the master of sneaky killing methods

it'll go great with that throw weapon skill they don't get.

2005-08-10 10:20:43
a personalized who command.... for example for me who hitter for me would list my pick of favorite hitters that are preselected by me and are online

been toying with something similar, but it wont work quite like that

2005-08-10 12:13:22
races with racial hoof should get a bonus on kick(s)

i think they do, or is approved

2005-08-10 15:48:19
ents should heal faster in sunlight :)

already approved or something similar i think

2005-08-10 23:36:18
You should implement Scout. Scout is a practicable skill

slearn scout

2005-08-11 00:13:18
maybe it would be cool if we could still read help files while in our different forms of lag

we can't do that. when in lag, properly called waitstate, the game just ignores you.

2005-08-11 13:14:58
new race - Sphinx : very wise, etc

Dev hates non-humanoid races. Didn't you hear?

2005-08-11 16:05:31
Devil's Pact v2.0 A sorceror spell that grants temporary protection from stat loss, when cast it also bestows a long lasting 'death's door' upon the caster.

lvl 3; but it only provides protection after the first 2 ticks. If I approved anything similar last week, this supercedes it.

2005-08-11 16:06:51
Make any item that is insured or bound

unable to be donated or sacrificed

2005-08-11 17:14:18
put traps on locked doors

maybe one day. lot's of code for minimal impact.

2005-08-11 22:55:56
a psi spell to fix scramble, ego whip or other psyche problems would be very useful ;) especially at legend.

c 'group a priest' self

2005-08-12 02:44:44
bodyguards need more skills, honestly most bodyguards know some form of martial arts, what about vital shot or something?

meh. i think bodyguards are cool. if you don't, don't play one.

Vital shot. heh. You're funny.

2005-08-12 16:03:13
spell that allows you to enchant lights --- syntex c enchant light <light><ac/hit> or something like that...

see the "more power" rant below

2005-08-12 16:44:39
no auto morph and random chance of gains at 999+

Just freakin' morph already.

2005-08-12 18:19:28
as asn can lose reputation by fleeing now, up the chance of insight landing a little bit more at lord

no, but I am open to other methods of gaining rep

2005-08-12 18:53:43
gear that helps skills/spells just like arc gear

This is one of those things that in player minds equates to "more power" but since the imm stance is that nobody really needs more power, if we did imp this, there'd have to be some kind of nerf somewhere else, and it ends up not being worth anybody's time, esp. since it's very hard to retrofit into existing systems. archery was specifically designed with +gear in mind from the ground up.

2005-08-12 19:44:44
a chicken race....

Cuen's chicken always wins. I think it's steroids.

2005-08-12 23:55:57
you can't kill yourself with spells

That sounds like a challenge to me!

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Jan 17 2025 20:47
testing one two! is the Shoutbox broken, or just the Game Updates?

Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

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Nov 27 2024 14:11
Hippo successfully morphs from Hero 868 to become Lord Hippo.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!