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2008-03-29 02:47:57
+ Why not have 'inventory' split up into bags, and items. That way when you type inv you dont have to scan 100 possible items for your bags.

consider adding an inventory bag/item/etc suboptions, which only shows a subset

2008-03-29 04:12:38
Av should have a poison that makes it harder to cast spells. Could be useful in duels or in areas with lots of casters/det mobs

there is a legend one. Mal, please create idea sublist: poisons, add this

2008-03-29 04:37:16
hamstring skill for warriors to make it harder for enemies to flee combat

you mean like vs knee? no

2008-03-29 12:25:47
create a high level locate objetc for lords, maybe psi only, add the room the mob is in

maybe. idea sublist: psi object control ideas, add this

2008-03-29 12:59:37
new class idea: Defender - they can hold two shields, dual shield block, have skills that boost the team's ac. but they can't do any melee damage. they also have the spell 'charge shield' IC

for war specialization type: add this kind of direction with some skills. no charge shield ever.

2008-03-29 13:38:21
Force Field should decrease the chances of the caster being bashed/tossed/etc (if not negated altogether). It's a shield of force created around the caster and should block physical interactions of that sort (specially since you can't do any actions with it casted since it's a ritual). At the moment it's not very useful to use the moment i'm bashed it's gone... :(

hmm. add idea: check logic of force field to auxillary attacks, consider followup spell on force field to improce if deemed necessary

2008-03-29 18:02:31
this may be more appropriate for a class that doesn't exist yet, but how about counterspells? ie you cast the spell, and it fires when a counter is executed as counterpush/etc. have them cost mana to execute. this may be a good option for riposte on bld?

consider as specialization type direction for mage/cle

2008-03-29 22:18:36
Make toss function differently in the area. Currently, once tossed, it is impossible to get out of lag (as you can continue to toss indefinitely), and it seems like almost nofail

yeah, pvp midround attacks are imbalanced. planned

2008-03-29 23:52:07
bzk need sneak

maybe, but they won't get it

2008-03-30 15:53:39
an area to easily go evil, similar to the cra kob concept


2008-03-30 15:57:39
remove the cost of using infirmary rooms (a negative change). You can then tweak the regen rates so that people are rewarded for using those rooms. By doing so, you'll actually increase social behavior since there's a reason to actually congregate into those rooms.

for discussion on Imm mailer, someone bounce it there please

2008-03-30 17:15:33
multiple ideas about playerinfo offline -thanks

atm not worth the hassle imo

2008-04-01 02:46:22
There should be a options for the aff command like aff dur for to show the durations in sorted (interms of durations) and aff adv for the beneficial and aff dis for to show - affecting spells.

quite a lot of work. If somebody wants to do this - probably complete rewrite

2008-04-01 20:24:08
i can't remember if I idea'd this or not. The ability to do all chats during spring rain..buddychat, grtz channel, emotes..and view group via group command.

if it was that simple, it would have been done a while ago

2008-04-01 23:52:44
Lps for the leader when someone levels....reduction of lps by one for each groupie death


2008-04-02 09:49:14
nosun races more sneaky at night

just because you can not stand sun, does not mean you are better at night

2008-04-02 13:39:19
why can i throw the frying pan?

why can't the frying pan throw you?

2008-04-02 18:09:32
add a knock command to doors to avoid walking into people while they are cybering behind closed doors... or a sock on doorknob command


2008-04-02 23:21:23
warrior skill 'weapon chain' that can be used on a weapon to add a level and make the wielder resistent/immune to disarm while wielding that weapon

for specialization war types: skill/stance that does this

2008-04-03 00:04:35
level independent lockers for gear, so for example i could remort my only lord and save his gear

lockers cause problems

2008-04-03 00:50:03
mort gains for lord


2008-04-03 11:10:22
there should be a set of lord starter gear available through mini-solo quests so that new lords don't need to be completely useless


2008-04-03 11:18:47
when new lords start out they typically have only hero gear. That gear is insufficient to make them (especially melee classes) useful on runs. Sometimes other lords will share their gear, but in my experience this is rare. To fix this, there should be several pieces of new lord gear available through exploration/mudschool quests (like the sarong quest) that will enable new lords to be more lordly from th

yeah, I got the drift

2008-04-03 22:42:15
ritual to ablute bzks


2008-04-04 00:03:04
legend make weapons/armor hold quests to give them away.


2008-04-04 05:36:11
OMG brilliant idea, allow item types to be seperated in inventory list, or at LEAST let bags be seperated (hunting bags down is sometimes a drag)

see above

2008-04-04 18:07:33
let bci use kdr gear

which part of KINETIC did you not understand

2008-04-05 01:03:58
ability to 'turn in' alts and destroy them and transfer their gained exp to another alt


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