To aid you in setting up a banner link to the Avatar webpage, there is now a Banner Repository, containing a few images we have previously used for a similar purpose.
Should you require a specific variation to suit a particular webpage layout, please contact the publicity team. Thanks.
Posted by Pulse
on August 31 2008 16:33:00 ·
1288 Reads
Kariyaon September 01 2008 08:49:33
Will it screw up the Avatar site's bandwith if I put a banner in my signature file somewhere/anywhere?
Wisemanon September 01 2008 23:27:37
Is it preferred that we direct link to the image or save a local copy?
Pulseon September 03 2008 13:16:52
You can use the following for embedding - they load from a free image server and do not mess with our bandwidth. These links will be added to the banner page soon too. (Otherwise you can always use a local copy of course).