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Warrior based classes tend to be the least frustrating for new players. If you are new to AVATAR, warriors are a great way to learn the game. - Locqui
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Lockers are Back!
Locker Implementation

The Midgaard Officers' Benevolent Association is pleased to announce that negotiations with the Immortals of Avatar about re-opening our Locker Rental Agencies have been concluded. The Immortals have agreed to allow M.O.B.A. to resume business under the following conditions:

Initially only 500 lockers can be rented. If no problems arise, a new limit will be agreed upon.

Rental periods will be for increments of 30 days. Lockers must be unavailable if the rental is past due. All back rent must be paid before the locker can be accessed.

Locker contents must be retained for 90 days after the rental expires. Items removed from lockers for non-payment must be retained in storage for at least 90 more days. If items are retrieved from long term storage the fee will be 200% of the rental fee calculated on a daily basis ((monthly fee * 2) / 30) * number of days in storage.

Gold cannot be stored in lockers.

Only the renter can access the locker.

If a renter cancels the rental, anything left in the locker must be destroyed. It cannot be put in long term storage.

Since M.O.B.A. has agreed to the above terms, they have been granted permission to re-open.

We are currently gathering our staff and giving them sensitivity training. We will open to business as soon as the training is complete. We anticipate that this will be some time after noon on Friday September 26th.


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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

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Jul 26 2024 22:24
Xendurth has become a Bodyguard.
Jul 26 2024 17:44
Thaldur successfully morphs from Hero 747 to become Lord Thaldur.
Jul 25 2024 21:47
Winxa has become a Wizard.
Jul 25 2024 15:27
Juice successfully morphs from Hero 999 to become Lord Juice.
Jul 25 2024 09:53
Winxa has remorted into a High Elf Mage.