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Author RE: On Lord Lottos and Leading

Posts: 25
Joined: 21.03.11
Posted on Feb 14 2012 05:07
1) make more reboot only content
2) make progression after Lord
3) make reboots happen on a regular schedule, or alternatively just code a \"light reboot\" feature that restores runs every 72 hours

It\'s kind of crazy that #3 hasn\'t happened yet, as lord lulls correlate very strongly with long uptimes. I don\'t think it\'s a coincidence that lord is in a coma after we were offline for a week, highly unstable for days, and now have been online for six days continuously. Any one of these things would slow things down, the combination is making things particularly sleepy.

It\'s also kind of crazy that Legend is still in whatever state it\'s in. A certain amount of malaise is to be expected when gear is the only method of progression available to Lords, as sublevel is irrelevant for most classes unless you\'re motivated/bored enough to get thousands of 999 gains, like me.
Author RE: On Lord Lottos and Leading

Posts: 25
Joined: 21.03.11
Posted on Feb 14 2012 05:10
Anyway, mutliday\'s damage is done. The hardcore multidayers already have geared up entire armies of alts. If you ban multiday they aren\'t going to run gear for the 10th set of lord AC they don\'t even need because they don\'t need 10 sets of ac anymore, you banned multiday. They\'re just not going to run.

Banning multiday would be a good way to pull the plug on an already stagnant game.
Author RE: On Lord Lottos and Leading

Posts: 9
Joined: 08.08.10
Posted on Feb 14 2012 05:11
The proposed system of always winning 3rd makes it detrimental to lead runs such as glyph, istone, and all reboot.

Leaders lead what they need/want, yes. I could use about 4 more SoLs/SoS\\\'s, 3 or so katars, a ton of lodes, a lot of additonal glyphs/dstones/eerings/chestplates/crowns, and another two sets of hit gear. But I don\\\'t really feel like leading a run 5+ times to be statistically favored to win those pieces in a ~15-20 man group.

Either way, this topic can be locked. I\\\'ve gotten the answer I need.
Author RE: On Lord Lottos and Leading

Posts: 10
Joined: 01.05.11
Posted on Feb 14 2012 17:23
Just to be clear, I am not supporting banning multiday. I was just making an observation about its effects.

Takayuchi's probably right about enough gear already been done.
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