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Author Halloween?

Posts: 49
Joined: 28.06.06
Posted on Nov 06 2008 14:57
Out of curiosity, how many of you went to Halloween parties and dressed up for that?
Or maybe you went trick or treating?
Or maybe you had a slew of greedy candy demanding critte..Erhmm..I mean maybe you had a whole bunch of cute kids dressed up at your door.

Share your thoughts, descriptions and what not about Halloween!

As for me? Sorry. Dutch. We don't do cool stuff like that. *sigh*

Author RE: Halloween?

Posts: 6
Joined: 09.09.08
Posted on Nov 07 2008 15:06
We have two small children (Ages 3 & 1) and took them out trick or treating. In our part of the US, the economy is pretty bad now, and many houses weren't participating, so it was pretty hit-or-miss. It's sad walking around in your own neighborhood and seeing so many foreclosed homes. But, the kids didn't notice and had tons of fun dressed as a witch and monkey
Author RE: Halloween?

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Posted on Nov 09 2008 16:03
Sorry to be a party-pooper, but I'm actually dismayed by the increasing trend towards trick-or-treating in the UK. The idea of demanding hospitality with menaces is one I personally find distasteful.
Author RE: Halloween?

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Joined: 24.06.06
Posted on Nov 10 2008 02:32
Do a bit of research as to where the history of it comes from. It's not really an American tradition in origin. It might suprirse you.

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Author RE: Halloween?

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Posts: 91
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Posted on Nov 10 2008 13:52
Isn't it Scottish originally?
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