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2008-10-25 02:10:08
on insignia combine beastmaster quests ie 1/5 2/5 3/5


2008-10-25 07:05:56
I know we can use lockers now, but still, if it's not painstaking hard work please consider removing level requirements for saving on bound items so you can still save if you descend/remort.

use lockers

2008-10-25 11:20:27
Give shfs/monks Push, like bash but w/o shield.. We already got counterpush so why not. And push really fits the "open hand"

no. You got throw. The idea of a counter skill is, that it uses the force the enemy puts into their attack as well as the distraction of the attacker. This is very different to a plain attack.

2008-10-25 13:34:18
Message on hero (or lord) info when a player evolves.

shrug. Really? Don't mind, just not convinced.

2008-10-25 15:25:45
add racial corpse eating to the racial lists, and also to help corpse eating file

yeah, do this. Note: this requires an extra check as corpse eating ability is stored in non-standard way.

2008-10-25 17:37:31
Make townguards ignore outlawed immortals

yeah, do it

2008-10-25 17:39:33
lord shf skill, lord 100ish, which allows shfs to "aim" vital counter, eg set to vs head to always target head whenever vital counter fires

no. If anything a repeated vs to the same spot have a lower success rate.

2008-10-25 23:27:47
when running in groups, having fly, passdoor, and waterbreathing are crucial without losing a groupmember, while (Translucent) and (Flying) acknowledge the status of the first two, maybe waterbreathing could have a (Blue Aura)

but they do not have a blue aura arond them. Flying you do see, translucent as well.

2008-10-26 19:38:35
there should be a spell that casts both bark and steel at the same time

of course. but quarterlings only.

2008-10-27 01:07:02
racial-shapeshift should be renamed to racial-cool

I wasn't aware that shapeshift can be used to lower the drink temperature. Need to fixx.

2008-10-27 08:42:56
Allow mass holy sight to be cast in shadow form.


2008-10-27 16:08:11
Think about adding a small Mini boss at lord that drops a random Pgem, to increase groups of 6-10 people. It might increase mid day runs, you can make it any difficulty to prevent camping. or adjust length to get it

and how would that be difficult to get for higher counts? That is the main problem.

2008-10-27 16:47:42
we should be able to deposit pgems in the bank as well for later withdrawal


2008-10-27 17:22:42
fix silence code so it allows tells, the idea really is that you're off public channels.

It is a penalty.

2008-10-27 17:22:50
oh and also buddychat, come on now.

It is a penalty.

2008-10-27 17:45:00
Instead of the getting the Good luck getting to level... message, Ilane should get a "Please remember to idea an crazy kobold area for going evil today."


2008-10-27 18:46:28
make alertness fail less, I'd be down for lag on it, if it failed less.


2008-10-27 18:48:19
Asn should lose reputation when they cast calm or awe

don't see the logic of this

2008-10-27 18:53:32
allow imps to move there recal set when it naturally progresses, from nom to sol and finally to aelmon no, but add that an imp recalls automatically to the default recall for the


2008-10-27 18:53:52
allow imps to use the sanctuary command

Oh, my! That must have been added completely unintentionally. How odd.

2008-10-28 01:15:25
Should add a help drift file to explain drifting mobs somewhat. More for newbies than anything else.


2008-10-28 13:37:57
pirate class that utilizes the waters around midgaard/water plane for power, able to utilize an arbolest very effectively as well as one handed swords


2008-10-28 15:53:18
start giving mobs suffocate, it'll be funny

that's the plan

2008-10-28 15:54:18
allow groin as a vital shot target


2008-10-28 21:23:01
make the armors work on a percentage and not a base number, it makes more sense at lord and helps both mobs and players, so it'll still be balanced

no, it won't be balanced, cause mobs don't have a trillion spells on them

2008-10-29 14:37:54
already noted.. I give daeronc redit for the asn new message, but a message would be far more helpful if we received a message when attempting an inisghtful strike

no. Are you not always attempting an insightful strike?

2008-10-29 21:12:13
help hdl mentions that hits made during a a HoGathon do not count, but does not refer to help hog at all.

shrug, documentation, add reference

2008-10-29 22:13:28
make the banshee commander NOT a corpse animator. I need the gear piece, not the ZOMG caster xp from dropping corpses there


2008-10-30 01:54:22
have 'remove NECK' be a keyword for the <worn around neck> and 'remove HEAD" for the <worn on head>. it's hard to track gear smoothly when you are both a hitter and a tanker who regens in mana gear, and has to wear level gear.

Shrug, switching to leveling gear seems to work for me as is. And I use all three gear sets. Just depends on your alias set up. You have items that are called head, necklace .... distinguishing would cause more confusion than it would help.

2008-10-30 19:34:31
hmm after trying out imp windblast how about making it a room bash similar to the min racial charge, but following the restrictions on only affecting flying creatures, nice racial, but very limited use

it is intentionally the way it is.

2008-10-30 19:35:59
lower the cooldown on discorporate enough to allow its use once per lord run. then if its too powerful make it longer again.


2008-10-31 09:51:20
Imm sharpen should have 0 chance of dulling.

agreed, for Senior+ only though

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