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Builder's Guide - Appendices

*IMM* AVATAR Builders Guide - Appendices

AVATAR Builder's Guide

Index · Main · Tables · Appendices

This edition of the guide is not intended to be used by mortals
and should not be distributed without the explicit permission of the chief builder.
Players entering builder contests will get a slightly different version.



The O field in #AREADATA (see section III.2) sets some basic information for lawful areas or ones using rogue guilds:
Dump Room: target of spec_guild_guard and act_graverobber
Jail Room: jail where guards will take outlaws, and the target of act_capture
Death Row: where outlaws are moved before being executed
Executioner's Block: where outlaws are executed
Justice Factor: how harsh the city's justice system is

Review section III.2 for more information on these values and their defaults.

In addition to the rooms specified above, a lawful city will require rooms with the BARRACKS and FORBIDDEN flags (see Table P in Section VII.2). Barracks rooms spawn extra townguards. Any PC caught in a forbidden room by a townguard or a citizen will be flagged as an outlaw.

Outlaws caught in safe rooms will be automatically arrested without a fight. A large number of citizen mobs in a safe, forbidden area could make for an interesting game of hide and seek.

There are four types of mobs important to outlaw code:
Jailers have SPEC_JAILER and must load in a room which is NOT the jail, death row, or executioner's block.
Executioners have SPEC_EXECUTIONER and must load at the executioner's block. They must also have ACT_SENTINEL.
Townguards have SPEC_TOWNGUARD; these are the mobs who actually hurt outlaws.
They will spawn extra versions of themselves from rooms with the barracks flag if one is available.
Citizens have ACT_CITIZEN and will cry havoc whenever they see an outlaw or illegal activity. The miscreant will immediately be flagged an outlaw, and townguards will be summoned to the location.


There are a variety of conditions under which mobiles will automatically attack during combat.

Any mobile which is ACT_AGGRESSIVE will attack all players up to 5 levels above the mob's level. An ACT_AGGIE_ALL mobile will attack all players. If a mobile is aggressive and has ACT_WIMPY, it will attack any sleeping players. (Otherwise it will really want to attack but will be too afraid.)

If the player's level is within 4 of the mob, and the mob and the player are not both good-aligned, the mob may "scream and attack!" the player to assist the fighting player or the mobile being fought. Good mobiles will never assist against good players, but any other combination is possible. Another alignment-based assist is available in SPEC_GUARD and SPEC_GUARD_WHITE, which both cause a mob to assist against the lowest-align characters who have alignment below 300.

You can also 'fake' assist behavior by making mobiles aggressive, but unable to see movehidden or invisible. Then invisible players will not incur the wrath of these mobs until they become visible, and if fighting some mobile in the room makes the player visible, the resulting aggressive attack will function like an assist.


As mentioned in section I.3, Lord areas are difficult to write because the areas must follow several rather stringent guidelines. While you should consult with the person in charge of your building project for details and advice, you may find these guidelines a good start:

  1. Mob density
    • Lord areas have 50-60% mob density, depending on swarminess.

  2. Swarminess
    • The more exits and entrances a room has, the more swarmy it will be. Narrow hallways with only 1 way in and out are to be avoided as they are too un-swarmy. This leads to choke-points which can be solo-ed or duo-ed.

  3. Drift Mobs
    • Drift mobs ignore exits (except when fleeing or hunting) and simply drift up and down the vnum list, 1 room at a time. They cannot change terrain types in this manner. Drift mobs work best in nonsequential rooms, so that they appear to come from nowhere, for instance, the vnum order in Unravelling goes 99019912etc if you walk through it. This way, mobs who might drift in will never show up on scan beforehand.

  4. Sanc
    • All lord mobs have sanc. Exceptions can be made in the case of mobs who have multiple immunities and other bonuses, such as giant HP or AC boosts from unattainable armor. These have to be carefully balanced.

  5. Specs
    • All lord mobs have damaging or highly inconveniencing specs. This includes: any breath, cast-mage, cast-psion, cast-kinetic, cast-cleric, cast-wizard, assassin, sorceror, mindbender, poison, archer, sniper, archerall, buttkicker, warlord, demon, priest-lite.

  6. Boss specs
    • The following specs are primarily intended for bosses and should not show up on common mobs; battle-mag, battle-cle, battle-sor, breath-super, illusionist, priest

  7. Mob vnums
    • All lord mobs need to have their own distinct vnum and M reset unless they load in the same room and stay there. If you need 5 guards, you have to make 5 different vnum and give each 1 reset. Having 1 vnum w/ 5 resets can lead to sudden clumpage which can make the area unrunnable and can also lead premature xp-drain of the area. The only exception are mobs who load in the same room and stay there, such as balefire beasts. Each room has its own vnum of beast which loads 3 times.

  8. Aggressiveness
    • All Lord mobiles must be made aggressive with ACT_AGGIE_ALL or ACT_AGGRESSIVE unless they are ticket mobs (so their vnum is the value0 of a ticket item.)

  9. Group Focus
    • Your area should not be designed so that is soloable. Design your area so that at a minimum three group members are required to survive.


Legend Areas/Rooms:

Because of the legend back story of an unbiased contest of fate generated by higher powers, here are some things to keep in mind for legend building:

Legend areas apart from the central nexus and any additional neutral areas added in the future should all have 3 identical versions, one for each team. The only differences should be the color adjectives and the actual vnums. Typically the area is written for one set of colors and vnums and then search and replace is used to generate the additional copies.

If the vnum ranges being used only differ in the starting digits, it might be helpful to code with vnums using the correct last digits and a prefix such as XXXX that can be easily replaced without overwriting other numbers unexpectedly, which avoids the need to search and replace each specific vnum.

If you want to 'rotate' an area you can run a search/replace on the exit numbers D0-D3 with adjustment of any necessary resets.

Also keep in mind that the current listarea program might generate errors for newly created legend specific planes, poisons, arrow types, etc. which work fine when the area is actually loaded.

Legend Mobiles:

Legend mobs should not have histories or distinctive names, they were created specifically for the test of fate. Similarly, room descriptions should be kept fairly generic, although any descriptions can be detailed, especially for special rooms or mobs. Look at some of the existing areas for an idea of what to aim for. One notable exception to the rule of being non-distinct are the power point items which have individual names.

All legend mobs need to have the team value set correctly to match the area color unless the mob is in a neutral area and intended to be aggie for all 3 teams.

Teamed legend mobs apart from trainers or other mobs that are not accessible to other teams should have the ACT_AGGRESSIVE flag. Do not use ACT_AGGIE_ALL unless it is a neutral mob that should attack all teams.

Except for boss type mobs, legend mobs should not have Sanctuary, Protection or Werrebocler currently due to the time it takes to kill the mobs. Note that there is now a significant "ramping up" of legend mob power every 50 levels (250-499).

Legend Objects:

For Legend objects a special file exists that controls visibility or use of some objects. Regardless of the actual area file that you modify, these settings are done in teamobj.obj.

The format of entries is as follows:


values for and :

0 no restrictions
1 by original powerpoint owner, e.g. Silver for Silver Citadel
2 by current powerpoint controller
4 by team setting of the object

These values can be combined, i.e. use 1|2 to allow both the original owner and the current controller of a powerpoint.

Can see controls visibility of an object.
Can use controls use of an object. This is currently implemented for enter (i.e. portals and nexus) and for push/pull (i.e. levers).

may vary depending on the and . At this point the only valid option is to give the number of the powerpoint to check, where the numbers are as follows:


0 Silver Legend Tower
1 Silver Legend Keep
2 Silver Legend Bastion
3 Silver Legend Fortress
4 Silver Legend Citadel
5 Golden Legend Tower
6 Golden Legend Keep
7 Golden Legend Bastion
8 Golden Legend Fortress
9 Golden Legend Citadel

10 Azure Legend Tower 11 Azure Legend Keep 12 Azure Legend Bastion 13 Azure Legend Fortress 14 Azure Legend Citadel


40721 0 1 1     * strand port to silver keep	

The item with vnum 40721 is visible to all teams. Use is restricted to the members of the team that is the original owner of powerpoint 1, the Silver Legend Keep.

42950 0 3 6    * lever - north door

The item visibility and use is restricted to the team that currently controls the powerpoint 6, the Golden Legend Keep.


Note that skills or spells with slot number 0 cannot be used when building items that require a slot number. For instance, you cannot make a potion that casts farstride.

Slot #    SN   Skill/Spell Name
0        130   1000 palms
0        430   adroitness
0        519   agility
0        399   aimed shot
0        464   alchemy lore
0        332   alertness
0        431   ambidexterity
0        283   arcane knowledge
0        280   archery lore
0        245   armor lore
0        534   armor training
0        406   arrow dodge
0        347   assassin sight
0        349   assassinate
0        281   augment
0        405   awareness
0        110   backstab
0        428   balance
0        386   barbed arrow
0        111   bash
0        115   bashdoor
0        134   bear technique
0        382   beast lore
0        515   berserk
0        284   bio empathy
0        333   blackjack
0        330   blood scent
0        317   blood trail
0        403   bloodhound
0        540   bloodlust
0        212   boost
0        517   brute strength
0        112   butcher
0        483   catch weapon
0        139   centipede technique
0        167   chameleon power
0        494   chant
0        421   chaos channel
0        554   cloak of pain
0        453   cluster arrow
0        468   coagulation
0        467   coction
0        465   comminution
0        550   conceal weapon
0        553   container lore
0        358   corruption
0        286   counter
0        462   countercrush
0        290   counterdisarm
0        287   counterkick
0        461   counterpush
0        463   countershatter
0        288   counterthrow
0        302   countertrip
0        555   cover tracks
0        279   crane style
0        469   crystallization
0        337   demonic intent
0        432   demonstrate
0        113   disarm
0        336   disarm traps
0        524   discipline
0        455   displacement arrow
0        114   dodge
0        116   dual
0        394   ebony arrow
0        466   elaboration
0        144   embalm
0        472   embed
0        412   enhanced aim
0        117   enhanced damage
0        141   enlightenment
0        533   exemplary strike
0        389   explosive arrow
0        401   farstride
0        216   fast healing
0        250   fast healing ii
0        251   fast healing iii
0        252   fast healing iv
0        253   fast healing v
0        320   fatal_hit
0        160   feint
0        193   fence
0        235   fifth attack
0        539   final fury
0        118   five style fist
0        388   flaming arrow
0        397   fleeing shot
0        384   fletch
0        194   forage
0        222   fourth attack
0        460   full counter
0        512   funeral lore
0        473   gem lore
0        536   gloryhog
0        278   golden strike
0        289   groundfighting
0        410   guard break
0        530   guard crush
0        192   haggle
0        213   hand of god
0        180   heighten senses
0        415   held shot
0        470   herblore
0        119   hide
0        392   ice arrow
0        527   ignore pain
0        411   improved aim
0        140   inner balance
0        513   insightful strike
0        120   kick
0        448   lead army
0        445   lead company
0        446   lead division
0        444   lead fellowship
0        443   lead flock
0        440   lead gang
0        441   lead pack
0        439   lead party
0        442   lead posse
0        447   lead regiment
0        346   lethal aim
0        393   lightning arrow
0        396   longshot
0        247   lore
0        248   magic lore
0        417   magic recovery
0        133   mantis technique
0        495   mantra
0        383   map lore
0        217   meditation
0        254   meditation ii
0        255   meditation iii
0        256   meditation iv
0        257   meditation v
0        434   mentor other
0        520   might
0        335   misdirection
0        419   mithril arrow
0        136   mongoose technique
0        121   move hidden
0        348   murder
0        532   mutilation
0        355   nightvision
0        218   open hand
0        137   panther technique
0        122   parry
0        123   peek
0        124   pick lock
0        390   piercing arrow
0        427   poise
0        391   poison arrow
0        350   poison weapon
0        492   preach
0        531   prime strike
0        243   quicken
0        356   quickstrike
0        522   rage control
0        523   rage mastery
0        538   raging rush
0        516   rally
0        400   rapid aim
0        282   read magic
0        249   repair
0        514   reputation
0        125   rescue
0          0   reserved
0        526   resist pain
0        409   restring
0        357   riposte
0        331   rogue lore
0        471   rune
0        537   savage strength
0        518   scarification
0        398   scattershot
0        395   scout
0        126   second attack
0        493   sermon
0        135   serpent technique
0        188   shadow form
0        435   share knowledge
0        436   share training
0        237   sharpen weapon
0        158   shield block
0        408   skin corpse
0        316   sleight of hand
0        334   slink
0        127   sneak
0        344   sneak attack
0        509   snipe
0        241   spell recovery
0        387   splinter arrow
0        525   steadfast
0        128   steal
0        385   steel arrow
0        242   surge
0        429   symmetry
0        414   target leading
0        454   terror arrow
0        129   third attack
0        482   throw weapon
0        138   tiger technique
0        221   toss
0        131   track
0        132   trip
0        433   tutor other
0        491   via elimo
0        484   via pax
0        345   vital shot
0        521   vitality
0        529   wail
0        402   wanderlust
0        535   warcry
0        246   weapon lore
0        264   whirlwind
0        413   whisper
0        318   withdraw
0        404   woodcraft
1          2   armor
2         99   teleport
3          6   bless
4          7   blindness
5          9   burning hands
6         12   call lightning
7         17   charm person
8         18   chill touch
10        20   color spray
11        22   control weather
12        23   create food
13        26   create water
14        27   cure blindness
15        28   cure critical
16        30   cure light
17        33   curse
18        34   detect evil
19        36   detect invis
20        37   detect magic
21        38   detect poison
22        39   dispel evil
23        43   earthquake
24        46   enchant weapon
25        47   energy drain
26        51   fireball
27        58   harm
28        59   heal
29        66   invis
30        71   lightning bolt
31        72   locate object
32        73   magic missile
33        87   poison
34        88   protection evil
35        91   remove curse
36        92   sanctuary
37        95   shocking grasp
38        96   sleep
39        57   giant strength
40        98   summon
41       101   ventriloquate
42       104   word of recall
43        31   cure poison
44        35   detect hidden
53        64   identify
56        53   fly
57        74   magic light
58        69   know alignment
59        40   dispel magic
61        32   cure serious
62        14   cause light
63        13   cause critical
64        15   cause serious
65        52   flamestrike
66        97   stone skin
67        94   shield
68       103   weaken
69        81   mass invis
70         1   acid blast
72        48   faerie fire
73        49   faerie fog
74        84   pass door
77        65   infravision
80        24   create spring
81        90   refresh
82        16   change sex
83        55   gate
100        3   astral
101       75   mass aid
200      105   acid breath
201      106   fire breath
202      107   frost breath
203      108   gas breath
204      109   lightning breath
205      142   general purpose
206      143   high explosive
300        4   bamf
301       45   enchant armor
302       11   chain lightning
501       29   cure disease
503       85   plague
600        8   buddha finger
601        5   barkskin
602       21   concentrate
603       63   ice lance
604       44   endurance
605       82   medicine
606       86   prayer
607       89   quivering palm
608       80   mass heal
609       54   frenzy
610       19   chin kang palm
611       93   sandstorm
612       68   iron monk
613       70   laughing buddha
615       61   holy armor
616       60   holy aura
617       78   mass cure serious
619       67   invincibility
620       77   mass cure critical
621       41   divinity
622       79   mass divinity
625      100   transfer life
626       76   mass bless
627       62   holy sight
628       42   earthbind
629       10   calm
630       56   gate demon
631       25   create undead
632      102   water breathing
633       50   fear
634       83   nourish
635      147   portal
636      146   web
637      149   nexus
638      145   scry
639      150   cyclone
640      151   magma blast
641      152   icestrike
642      153   desiccate
643      154   disintegrate
644      155   firestorm
645      156   acid rain
646      157   meteor swarm
647      159   gurney
648      161   adrenaline control
649      162   psisting
650      163   aura sight
650      207   detect alignment
651      164   awe
652      165   ballistic attack
653      202   biofeedback
654      166   cell adjustment
655      168   anticipate
657      169   control flames
658      170   create sound
659      171   death field
660      172   detonate
661      173   molecular disruption
662      174   displacement
663      176   ectoplasmic form
664      177   ego whip
665      178   energy containment
666      175   domination
668      179   enhanced strength
671      181   mindlash
674      209   levitate other
674      208   levitation
675      182   mental barrier
676      183   mind thrust
677      184   brainstorm
678      185   psionic blast
679      186   psychic crush
680      187   psychic drain
682      189   share strength
683      190   body brace
684      191   ultrablast
686      195   regenerate
687      196   deception
688      197   combat mind
689      198   cell manipulation
690      199   calcify flesh
691      200   iron skin
692      201   steel skeleton
693      203   biofeed other
694      204   adrenaline pump
695      205   confidence
697      206   energy shield
701      210   regeneration
702      211   mercy
705      214   wrath of god
706      215   transmute
707      219   mask
708      220   deliverance
709      148   quest
710      223   turn undead
711      224   protection good
712      225   planeshift
713      226   maelstrom
714      227   genesis
715      228   heal ii
716      229   mass heal ii
717      230   comfort
718      232   christen
718      231   mass comfort
719      233   onoma
720      234   harmonize
721      236   dancing weapon
723      238   awen
724      239   foci
725      240   fortitudes
726      244   rescuer mod
727      258   homeshift
728      259   safe haven
729      260   cataclysm
730      261   smash
731      262   armor optimization
732      263   double parry
733      265   whirlwind kick
734      266   scorpion style
735      267   blunt weaponry
736      268   double hit
737      269   double wield
738      270   shatter strike
739      271   defensive stance
740      272   offensive stance
741      273   consecrate
742      274   reinforce
743      275   ward
744      276   major ward
745      277   recharge
747      285   racial frenzy
748      291   eulogy
749      292   vigil
750      293   requiem
751      294   ablution
752      295   danger scan
753      296   bioscan
754      297   dread
755      298   scramble
756      299   overconfidence
757      300   danger sense
758      301   mindwipe
760      303   multitask
761      304   death shroud
762      305   blood ritual
763      306   air shield
764      307   air hammer
765      308   air armor
766      309   weapon rush
767      310   fandango
768      311   torch
769      312   dart
770      313   blast bolt
771      314   dark embrace
772      315   demonic advice
774      319   vampire touch
775      321   improved invis
776      322   werrebocler
777      323   spiritlink
778      324   demonfire
779      325   mystical barrier
780      326   farsight
781      327   wake up call
782      328   deaths door
783      329   fetch
784      338   torment
785      339   salvation
786      340   unholy bargain
787      341   threnody
788      342   charge shield
789      343   immolation
790      351   toxin
791      352   biotoxin
792      353   virus
793      354   venom
794      359   flash
795      360   leech
796      361   racial fly
797      362   dark forge
798      363   tainted genius
799      364   unrest
800      365   brimstone
801      366   consummation
802      367   blind devotion
803      368   enhanced vitality
804      369   improved stamina
805      370   heightened vigor
806      371   centered being
807      372   iron will
808      373   invigorate
809      374   mass invigorate
810      375   rejuvenate
811      376   mass rejuvenate
812      377   renewal
813      378   mass renewal
814      379   necrotia
815      380   heartbane
816      381   doom toxin
817      407   enchant bow
818      416   aura focus
819      418   extract
820      420   keyfinder
821      422   illuminate
822      423   conceal object
823      424   create shrine
824      425   globe of darkness
826      426   saving grace
828      437   anger management
829      438   sphere of vapors
830      449   planar anchor
831      450   detect haven
833      451   violation
834      452   racial berserk
835      474   manifest
835      457   psychotia
836      475   minds eye
836      458   pyrovirus
837      459   liquid pain
837      476   purity
838      477   immaculate
839      478   mass fly
840      479   anoint
841      480   insight
842      481   mass holy sight
843      485   solitude
844      486   shun
845      487   clarify
846      488   panacea
847      489   absolve
848      490   pure touch
849      496   deathwatch
850      497   aegis
851      498   pure spring
852      499   holy spring
853      500   martyr
854      501   innocence
855      502   white light
856      503   holy ground
857      504   turn demon
858      505   white fire
859      506   seal
860      507   cleanse
861      508   penance
862      510   shining pennant
863      511   summon necrit
864      541   send
865      542   acumen
866      543   savvy
867      544   astral prison
868      545   sphere of silence
869      546   wall of thorns
870      547   raise dead
871      548   astral shield
872      549   hypermorality
873      551   timewarp
874      552   perfection
875      556   pardon

F. BACKSTORY (by Devastant)

Distinction; Elder Gods, such as Straul, Acilese and Quixoltan existed BEFORE our world. Local Gods were created on it or by it, such as Kra, Roixa and Tul-Sith.

In the beginning, Straul loved Kisestre, but he was so hideous in personality and appearance that she did not return his feelings, and so he imprisoned her on a barren ball of rock. Unable to free Kisestre, her father Merrighand created 26 companions for her, the original 26 Fae. For thousands of years, the Fae kept the imprisoned Goddess company as she populated her new home with plants, animals, and all forms of life. Gradually, the Fae became more obsessed with their own pursuits, and Kisestre passed away somewhere deep within the forests of Wildwood. Merrighand spoke, decreeing that one day, an Avatar would arise from the peoples of the world, and destroy Straul forever. Merrighand creates the original Immortal Guardians to safeguard the process.

The Fae breed. Their 7th generation on Midgaardia gives birth to lesser creatures; the High Elves.

Two rival mountain Gods (Durr and Abishai) spawn Dwarves and Trolls respectively to fight out their differences. The two races battle on and off for centuries, but no decisive victory is achieved. Abishai's mountain becomes known as Devil's Peak.

The first Fae blood is drawn. Paehandra murders her brother Pascilon. The Fae begin to fight among themselves.

With the Fae divided, Straul chooses this time to sabotage the Ascension and sends his giant armies to destroy Midgaardia. The first War of Giants and Ents ensues. The Dark High Elves and the Dwarves allied with them retreat underground, becoming the High Drow and the Duergar. They plan to ride out the war and resurface in more peaceful times to destroy their own enemies. Against the combined armies of Ents, High Elves, Dwarves and Fae, the Giants are defeated and driven into desolate lands.

For a time, there is peace. The first Kzinti scouts come to Midgaardia.

Quixoltan creates Bahamut and Tiamat. Bahamut and Tiamat fight, creating legions of lesser dragons in their images. Humiliated, Quixoltan orders a stop to the fighting. Those who continue to fight are reduced to the forms of present day Lizard Folk and Troglodytes. Bahamut and Tiamat, along with the greatest of their followers, are banished.

The 7th generation of High Elves gives birth to mortal elves. The Fae flee Midgaardia for Arcadia and Noctopia. Only Trinh, Countess of Avalon, remains.

Safe in their own realms, the Fae begin warring in earnest. Yorimandil betrays Tesrah and finally defeats her with the help of Malafont.

War breaks out between the Elves and Drow, and Dwarves and Duergar.

Acilese spawns the Ancestors of Man as her own private romantic toys. Though short-lived, they breed at an exceptional rate compared to the Ancient Races, and soon begin to spread throughout the world. Keresh is their major city.

The Dark Fae are winning their war. With the exception of the Battle of Four Seasons, most battles go to Malafont's superior military prowess.

Unable to rally the giants, several of Straul's lieutenants unleash lesser evils upon Midgaardia. Ogres, Orcs and Goblins appear.

The Drow fall into Idolotry, worshipping the spider demon Lloth as though she were a God.

Dwarven general Kra accepts the surrender of the Duergar king.

Malafont is murdered by his own son. He proves to be a lesser strategist. This, combined with the loss of support from the Drow, turns the war against the Dark Fae. Ironically, it ends on Midgaardia with the battle of Avalon. Zydarielle herself, accompanied by legions of ebony archers, attacks the Willow Kingdom. The battle is a one-sided slaughter, and Contessa Trinh is killed. Adrial arrives with the dawn, and the tide turns. Zydarielle herself is slain, and the war is ended.

For a long time, nothing happens. The elves continue to fade, and the humans continue to multiply. In homage of their Fae ancestors, the High Elves spawn the lesser fae creatures of the world; sprites, faeries, pixies and the like.

The plant Demon Glasya arises. Many fall into his worship. He rallies the giants and the Second War of Giants and Ents begins. This time, the conflict is too large, and no race can avoid it. Glasya and Straul will suffer no neutrality. Reveria, Avalon and Keresh are all destroyed. The giants build Igecsoz for their Troglodyte allies. All Lizard Folk settlements are annihilated. The High Drow are wiped out. The Ents dwindle to a fraction of their original number.

It is in this war that many Local Gods are forged; Alesia Sableroix, a human noble who abandoned her privilege to live in the wild, proves to be a crucial factor in the war, continually rallying the dispirited Ents and leading them in battle. After her death, she would ascend as the Goddess Roixa. Theris, daughter of Straul, comes upon a field of human cavalry and revives them, crafting the Ancestors of all Centaurs. She sends her cavalry back into battle, led by her own son, Tul-Sith. Although unable to turn the tide of battle, Tul-Sith and his kind are instrumental in healing the hurts of the world after the war. Kra is killed, and becomes a rallying point for her people. In the end, the Guardians intervene, and destroy Glasya, burying his temple. The giants are struck dumb and left to wander aimlessly, never again to rally under Straul's name.

With the loss of the High Drow, there is no longer enough Dark Fae essence in the universe to sustain Noctopia, and it fades into nothing. Only a handful of Dark Fae survive.

The Children of Acilese forge a new city, Midgaard, in the clearing that once contained Glasya's temple. Humans spread and take over much of the lands once ruled by older races. Only Igecsoz, Mt. Durr and the ancient heart of the Kingdom of the Willows stand independent.


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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

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