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When buying many of the same objects from shoppies, you can tell it how many you would like. For example, "buy 5 vials" to buy 5 vials. See"HELP BUY" for more details. - Daeron
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Statistics August 2005
Articles | Archives | Player Statistics | August 2005

Here are the new Hero and Lord stats since August 1st, 2005:


19 Heroes morphed since August 1st, 2005. Please welcome the following to the Lord tier:
Argo             Boaba            Bol              Brody          
Caribou          Denes            Drenalone        Erion          
Faenor           Firenze          Fireslinger      Ghaleon        
Hercules         Isaela           Mon              Phion          
Pinnacle         Polut            Tokin          


18 Lords remorted since August 1st, 2005. Please wish the following good luck:
* Banquo from Drow Psionicist to High Elf Mindbender
* BlackSun from Lizard Man Warrior to Tuataur Warrior
* Chewey from Troll Warrior to Dragon Warrior
* Ebin from Lizard Man Mindbender to Tuataur Mindbender
* Freefighter from Giant Warrior to Giant Berserker
* Jasark from Lizard Man Rogue to Tuataur Black Circle Initiate
* Jericko from Kzinti Warrior to Kzinti Berserker
* Kabrakan from Lizard Man Wizard to Tuataur Wizard
* Lilone from Drow Mage to Minotaur Mage
* Nomadic from Orc Rogue to Troll Rogue
* Pique from Kzinti Psionicist to Griffon Psionicist
* Quintus from Gnome Warrior to Troll Warrior
* RagingBoar from Troglodyte Warrior to Troll Warrior
* Restless from Sprite Wizard to Sprite Wizard
* Starwind from Human Warrior to Troll Bodyguard
* Xaolin from Drow Shadowfist to Demonseed Shadowfist
* Xocmal from Drow Archer to Demonseed Archer
* Zyzzx from Troll Monk to Demonseed Monk


0 Heroes/Lords deleted since August 1st, 2005:


Please congratulate 40 characters who have achieved Super Hero+:
Frezna         (500)    Khristy        (500)    Fier           (501)
Metaphis       (501)    Tinuviel       (502)    Dared          (503)
Splat          (504)    Genocyde       (505)    Strafe         (508)
Bolek          (517)    Elend          (518)    Francis        (518)
Sneek          (518)    Nebulate       (519)    Rual           (519)
Satarel        (527)    Lancy          (531)    Sauron         (534)
Metamalus      (539)    Vorodor        (543)    Aliza          (545)
Ozlo           (545)    Galley         (554)    Blockbuster    (556)
Spellgiver     (558)    LooseCannon    (564)    Adapt          (573)
Mephisto       (575)    Tic            (578)    Titas          (579)
Thanha         (584)    Nazzy          (595)    Gawyn          (649)
Mentar         (650)    Jeocadin       (658)    Armagedon      (663)
Nelly          (673)    Necroz         (754)    Totem          (756)
Lemac          (846)


5 Heroes failed to morph since August 1st, 2005:
Merlinn          Karadryl         Mudmonk          Cometh         


Top 10 Hero

1 .) Nazzy          (577)
2 .) Nelly          (501)
3 .) Mactabilis     (459)
4 .) Lemac          (448)
5 .) Gnimish        (363)
6 .) Metaphis       (362)
7 .) Armagedon      (347)
8 .) Totem          (332)
9 .) Kukulc         (313)
10.) Zilysp         (311)

Top 10 Lord

1 .) Boomer         (498)
2 .) Earnest        (174)
3 .) Rooks          (129)
4 .) Darkside       (111)
5 .) Cyril          (103)
6 .) Rift           (89)
7 .) Jad            (75)
8 .) Rattlesnake    (69)
9 .) Drenalone      (67)
10.) Nemesys        (61)

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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Jul 26 2024 22:24
Xendurth has become a Bodyguard.
Jul 26 2024 17:44
Thaldur successfully morphs from Hero 747 to become Lord Thaldur.
Jul 25 2024 21:47
Winxa has become a Wizard.
Jul 25 2024 15:27
Juice successfully morphs from Hero 999 to become Lord Juice.
Jul 25 2024 09:53
Winxa has remorted into a High Elf Mage.