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Statistics August 2007
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Here are the new character stats for August 2007:


No Lords ascended in August 2007.


30 Heroes morphed in August 2007. Please welcome the following to the Lord tier:
Anchronizem      BANTAM           Basti            Cratos         
Cyrene           Dauthi           Define           Demone         
Eldikar          Eleena           Elfis            Ewan           
Fragel           Gallahad         Grimglee         Hekla          
Hep              Isa              Lofta            Mahal          
MakMorn          Medivh           Munkchin         Nirla          
RaGaRt           Rikitiki         Riveira          Sutekh         
Volcania         Xanor          


19 characters remorted or descended in August 2007. Please wish the following good luck:
* Bisco from a Lord Troglodyte Rogue to a Hero Troll Rogue
* DeMortE from a Lord Human Warrior to a Hero Troll Warrior
* Fin from a Legend Sprite Priest to a Lord Sprite Priest
* Ghash from a Lord Troll Warrior to a Hero Troll Berserker
* Kimberlie from a Lord Elf Mage to a Hero High Elf Mage
* Kingsley from a Lord Goblin Warrior to a Hero Hobgoblin Warrior
* LokiOfOld from a Lord Elf Archer to a Hero Elf Archer
* Manial from a Lord Orc Monk to a Hero Human Priest
* Meatcliff from a Lord Human Berserker to a Hero Minotaur Berserker
* Noob from a Lord Half-Elf Mage to a Lowmort Dragon Mage
* Pippa from a Lord Drow Mage to a Hero High Elf Mage
* Quickblade from a Lord Kzinti Rogue to a Lowmort Troll Rogue
* Slickenstien from a Lord Giant Bodyguard to a Hero Troll Bodyguard
* Tercalwin from a Lord Human Berserker to a Hero Minotaur Berserker
* TRaGuR from a Lord Ogre Warrior to a Lowmort Troll Warrior
* Trancecast from a Lord High Elf Mage to a Lowmort Griffon Mage
* Truma from a Lord Halfling Fusilier to a Lowmort Sprite Fusilier
* Twrch from a Lord Orc Rogue to a Hero Orc Assassin
* Vanyar from a Lord Elf Mage to a Hero High Elf Wizard


There were no deletions in August 2007.


Please congratulate 26 characters who have achieved Super Hero+:
Tuagor         (501)    Eden           (504)    Tyranny        (504)
Sitana         (508)    Ghash          (511)    Yuzuum         (514)
Siclicky       (515)    Tetsuhiko      (524)    Galadhaen      (535)
Maxamillion    (535)    Ceris          (542)    Feldman        (542)
Yannay         (552)    Picaro         (571)    Karnok         (572)
Lasthope       (586)    Belakane       (588)    Dentrassi      (594)
Trent          (618)    Aoife          (625)    Icestorm       (652)
Lavendel       (652)    Taita          (667)    Croesus        (683)
Obscurity      (700)    Padley         (945)


12 Heroes failed to morph in August 2007:
NightHawk        Quazar           Ashlome          Dace           
SilentFlame      Dak              Golgatha         Shiggles       
Bocklava         ForestWing       Kadafi           Jhedian        


Top 10 Hero

1 .) Taita          (545)
2 .) Ceris          (538)
3 .) Galadhaen      (519)
4 .) Padley         (490)
5 .) Omnismith      (411)
6 .) Qball          (406)
7 .) Obscurity      (403)
8 .) Spool          (375)
9 .) Ghash          (349)
10.) Picaro         (339)
     Icestorm       (339)

Top 10 Lord

1 .) Mringasa       (171)
2 .) Valuthias      (80)
3 .) Aleax          (63)
4 .) Axyl           (53)
     Squarepants    (53)
5 .) Shalandir      (52)
6 .) Mopper         (50)
7 .) Kyrzan         (48)
8 .) Vickie         (47)
9 .) Balor          (45)
10.) Yee            (42)

Top 5 Legend

1 .) Jaromil        (1)

35931849 Unique Visits

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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event.

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Jul 26 2024 22:24
Xendurth has become a Bodyguard.
Jul 26 2024 17:44
Thaldur successfully morphs from Hero 747 to become Lord Thaldur.
Jul 25 2024 21:47
Winxa has become a Wizard.
Jul 25 2024 15:27
Juice successfully morphs from Hero 999 to become Lord Juice.
Jul 25 2024 09:53
Winxa has remorted into a High Elf Mage.