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Gazette 2001-10-19
Articles | Archives | Gazette | 2001 Gazettes | Gazette 2001-10-19
     ___The Official AVATAR___________________________________
        ________                          __     __           
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      /     ___ __    ____  /_/ __ \   __\   ___/ __  
          _   / __ _ /    /   ___/ |  |   |  |    ___/ 
       ______  /(____  //_____  ___  >|__|   |__|   ___  >
              /      /       /     /                   / 
     ________________________________________ 19 Oct, 2001 ___

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     Table of Contents

          1. Editorial by Dizzy 
          2. Delete for Shame by Gronolt 
          3. Untitled by Chuft 
          4. Journeyman by AQelDroma
          5. A LOT of Hens! By Tatilonas

     1. Editorial By Dizzy

Stop right here.  In the interest of preserving my editorial integrity, I 
feel that I have an obligation to warn you about the contents of this issue 
of the Gazette.  Other than the masthead, table of contents, and my 
editorial; this issue is comprised of POETRY. Umm hmmm, that's right 
girlfriend. Rhymes, limericks, haiku.... Its esoteric, some of its sublime 
(I especially liked Journeyman by AqelDroma), and at least one is whimsically
funny (depending on your tolerance level for poultry).  But let me say at the 
outset that I sympathize with those of you whose gag reflex is triggered by 
poetry of any variety.  I rarely enjoy other writer's poetry, and even more 
#rarely test your pain threshold with it.... However, this opportunity seemed 
unique to me (lame explanation follows).

This marks the first regularly scheduled Gaz issue in many months.  This much
time between newsletter issues seems to me to be a contradiction in terms.  
Shouldn't news be timely?  Yes.  Did Diz upset the symmetry (balance) of 
information flow by callously withdrawing the Gazette from regular publication? 
Yes.  Are there good reasons why I've been out of circulation (owie! Bad 
pun...) for so long? Yes....well, depends on your definition of "good", I
guess.  Poetry is all about symmetry.  

Poetic symmetry is defined by "meter" (Iambic, Trochaic, and musical tone for 
instance)(yeah, yeah, get a dictionary) which speaks to the emphasis or rhythm 
(cadence? Mmm, too military) of the words.  Meter is the counterpoint 
(principal of dissonance and consonance... get an encyclopedia) that adds 
layers of meaning to the poem (have you every seen the ascending lines on an 
oscilloscope when an acapella vocal group harmonizes perfectly? Layer after 
layer of sound that has more meaning than the component parts (synergy).

So!  An offering of poetry to symbolize the synergy and symmetry of a renewed 
commitment to the game and to you as I publish the Gazette with more regularity
(depending on your contributions of news, stories, and *gak* more poetry).


     2. Delete for Shame by Gronolt 

A day of one, I use to think Valor being true.
The rules of game, flipped and maimed,
And now I'm helpless to you.

The things I see, they could be real,
But maybe they're just a hoax
The creeping fears within myself,
My spirit truly chokes.

One day I'm sure, I'll have the power,
One day I'm sure I'll have the resistance,
Later on, I'll no longer cower..
A long way off - A diminished existence.

One time indifferent to this playful theme,
Rubbing in a smile, and a gleam,
Forfeit what I had left
What I had, looted by theft

Taken away, and held so tight,
Could never forget that rainy night..
When I thought it all was so true.
If then, I only had a clue.

Slowing I shall re-attain,
Nothing lost, except my shame.
Built inside, hungry pain
You'll never have to see me again.

     3. Untitled by Chuft

Love is
 a new beginning
 a timeless breath
 a soaring dove
 an unbidden thank you
 an open rose
     - forever?

Goodbye is
 a closed door
 a sunset
 a waving hand
 a crying face
 starting over
 a hug
    - forever?

All beginnings are offset by inevitable endings.
There is no forever.
Only entropy triumphant,
Love is a statement to the universe;
of our defiance of entropy,
our brief flash in the dark-
for the greater glory of a fragile reality
there is no eternity, 
--only the now.

     4. Journeyman by AQelDroma 

He taught simple things first
the quiet touch of steel to flint
the worth of steady hands

I waited my turn, choked with ash
arms strong from working the bellows

iron folded, red-hot
under the beat of his hammer
shaping steel rods, soft bronze

I stayed near the smithy most days
other boys thought me a coward

One day he beckoned me
and took my place, crouching in soot
There's a rhythm, he said

The hammer twisted in my hands
I forced it down upon the forge

it resisted, angry
resenting the uncertainty
the tremble in my hands

I paused to hear its quiet voice
silent rhythm in beating iron

calmly, it whispered
down and pound, down and pound, down down
it speaks, I said, surprised

Below the forge my master smiled
and bent in the ash to the chore

I learned simple things first
the rough magic hidden in iron
the hammer's quiet song 

     5. A LOT of Hens! By Tatilonas

If you were to fight alone...
A hen doesn't look that difficult.
Also, you are currently slightly healthier than she.

You start fighting a hen.
You pierce a hen with *PULVERIZING* strength!
A hen ducks to the ground, narrowly avoiding your strike!
A hen has quite a few wounds.

You pierce a hen with PULVERIZING passion!
You pierce a hen with *PULVERIZING* force!
You puncture a hen with *PULVERIZING* savagery!
A hen almost clips you even though you dodged!
You barely dodge out of the way of a hen's blow!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!

A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with punishing intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with astonishing intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with *MAULING* intensity!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with mauling intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with astonishing intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with astonishing intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with astonishing intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with MAULING intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with mauling intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with amazing intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with mauling intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with amazing intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with amazing intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with surprising intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with MAULING intensity!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with MAULING intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with amazing intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with mauling viciousness.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with MAULING viciousness!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with **MAULING** viciousness!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with mauling viciousness.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with *MAULING* strength!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with *MAULING* passion!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with MAULING passion.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with punishing viciousness.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with *MAULING* savagery!
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen screams and attacks!
A hen strikes you with nil intensity.
You sure are BLEEDING!
A hen strikes you with terminal brutality.
You have been KILLED!!

You see a vision of your corpse in:
{15  35} Crom    Midgaard
Your equipment info has been saved (just in case)!
Tul-Sith places a ball of light in your inventory.
You no longer see in the dark.
The red in your vision disappears.
You feel less aware of your surroundings.
The detect magic wears off.
You no longer see invisible objects.
You feel less protected.
You feel less righteous.
Your Aura of Holiness fades...
You are no longer protected by your God.
You feel less protected.
You no longer feel invincible!
You feel solid again.
You slowly float to the ground.
Your force shield shimmers then fades away.
Your skin feels soft again.
You feel weaker.
You no longer disperse energy.
You are no longer displaced.
You no longer feel so protected.
Your mental barrier breaks down.
Your skin softens and returns to normal.
Your biofeedback is no longer effective.
Your battle sense has faded.
The adrenaline rush wears off.
Your skin softens and returns to normal.
Your lungs adapt to oxygen once again.
The protective aura fades from around your body.
You slowly come out of your rage.

Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the henhouse.. *theme 
music plays* 

     The Avatar Gazette is what you've just been reading, and it is the 
     official newsletter of Avatar, it is published infrequently by Dizzy,
     in conjunction with The Avatar Staff.(Original concept by Asamaro).

     The Gazette is written in plain vanilla ASCII text to ensure that
     everyone can enjoy it regardless of computer type.

     To subscribe to the Gazette, send internet e-mail to
     gazette-request@avatar.outland.org. In the body of your
     email put:

       subscribe username@hostname (MudName - RealName)
       eg subscribe dizzy@outland.com  (Dizzy - Mark Mullins)

     Your real name is optional for the Gazette list.
       eg subscribe dizzy@outland.org (Dizzy)

     If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, criticisms,
     compliments, or (best of all) articles that you've written for the
     gazette, please send them to Dizzy via my e-mail address:

     You can also view the latest issue of the Gazette while playing
     Avatar by typing 'help newgaz' anywhere in the game.

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Jan 17 2025 20:47
testing one two! is the Shoutbox broken, or just the Game Updates?

Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Nov 27 2024 14:11
Hippo successfully morphs from Hero 868 to become Lord Hippo.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:15
Corona successfully morphs from Hero 329 to become Lord Corona.
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!
Aug 10 2024 09:06
The Ultimate Dragon viewing room is now closed!