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Author A Bug i didn't want to post in a note

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Posts: 9
Joined: 02.04.07
Posted on Oct 26 2010 15:15
You quicken your spell!
Everything turns negative for a second!
The eyes of a stonewolf dim and turn milky white.
You FLASH a stonewolf with pathetic intensity.
The eyes of a howler wraith dim and turn milky white.
You FLASH a howler wraith with pathetic intensity.
A howler wraith is in awful condition.

$<-/-><4340hp 2198ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:05:14><0><5><9>156
c calm
You quicken your spell!
You calm yourself.

$<-/-><4340hp 2078ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:05:15><0><5><9>156

A stonewolf's attacks strike you 5 times, with *DISMEMBERING* viciousness!
A howler wraith's attacks strike you 2 times, with **EVISCERATING** intensity!
A stonewolf has a few scratches.

$<-/-><3489hp 2078ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:05:15><0><5><9>156
No way! You are still fighting!
A stonewolf has a few scratches.

$<-/-><3489hp 2078ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:05:16><0><5><9>156
c calm
You quicken your spell!
You calm yourself, again.

$<-/-><3489hp 1958ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:05:16><0><5><9>156

A stonewolf exclaims 'I hope you enjoy the taste of shield!'
A stonewolf bashed into you and you go down!
You try to stand up but can't yet!
A stonewolf's bash hits you with PULVERIZING intensity!
A stonewolf has a few scratches.

$<-/-><3398hp 1958ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:05:16><5><5><9>156

Your attacks haven't hurt a stonewolf!
A stonewolf's attacks strike you 3 times, with ***DISMEMBERING*** strength!
A howler wraith's attacks strike you 4 times, with MASSACRING force!
A stonewolf has a few scratches.

$<-/-><1824hp 1958ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:05:19><2><5><9>156
You have to stand up before you do that
A stonewolf has a few scratches.

$<-/-><1824hp 1958ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:05:22><0><5><9>156
Your equipment info has been saved (just in case)!

[BUDDY INFO]: Artax has logged out.

The gist of it is... I got bashed, was still in combat, was on my butt, and was able to log out.
Author RE: A Bug i didn't want to post in a note

User Avatar

Posts: 9
Joined: 02.04.07
Posted on Oct 26 2010 15:33
So I tested this again...
$<-/-><4434hp 6027ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:31:27><0><5><9>156

A stonewolf exclaims 'Feel my Wrath!'
A stonewolf bashed into you and you go down!
A stonewolf's bash hits you with **DEVASTATING** intensity!
A stonewolf has a few scratches.

$<-/-><4358hp 6027ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:31:29><5><5><9>156

Your attacks haven't hurt a stonewolf!
A stonewolf's attacks strike you 3 times, with mangling passion!
A stonewolf has a few scratches.

$<-/-><3333hp 6027ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:31:30><4><5><9>156

Namaste> what do you intend to do with the war? hit-tank-mix?
A stonewolf has a few scratches.

$<-/-><3333hp 6027ma 3544mv><123045TNL><11:31:30><4><5><9>156
Your equipment info has been saved (just in case)!
[BUDDY INFO]: Artax has logged out.

Apparently you can log out while bashed.
Author RE: A Bug i didn't want to post in a note

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Oct 26 2010 21:23
Okay, thanks.
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