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Author Wiki question

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Posts: 23
Location: Kansas City, MO
Joined: 26.02.07
Posted on Feb 01 2011 20:28
Scevine's post on imm board (144) made reference to "popular information sharing hub". I would have assumed here (Outland.org) since this is the only official site I know. But I guess it refers to the wiki (avatar.melanarchy.info) since the image was uploaded the recently. Does this mean the staff are going to start using the wiki more/officially?

Author RE: Wiki question

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Posted on Feb 02 2011 08:34
This may or may not be the answer that you are looking for, Zarf but I'll offer this up. There are some works that the person working on the project would prefer to keep off the wiki, (ie a really hard 17 part quest with a free manifest at the end that we want you to work at). But then on the other hand occasionally a project is designed to help in a specific way and we want the information to be available to the targeted player group on a public forum. Even in the middle perhaps I've just completed a quest and I am happy to have it available on the wiki; but would rather wait a week or two so as to not give up the jig off the get go.

Personally I wouldn't go so far as to say that staff would start officially posting items on the wiki, regularly at least - there are certainly possibilities where it could be done such as something like this. I can't even comment on the frequency because I don't who is posting what today, and who will be posting what tomorrow.

One thing that I have appreciated about the wiki is that it IS player run, I love checking the worship table and seeing ?? in so many cells. That element of the possible - or probable - unknown encourages exploration and experimentation.

Having said all this, one thing we all try at is using new and unique tactics with areas/quests/etc. that no one else has, so under the assumption that the image uploaded is related to Scevine's note I must applaud all those involved if they are using the wiki in this way.

Kerrinth, Demon Immortal of AVATAR.
Author RE: Wiki question

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Feb 04 2011 01:15
I agree, it was pretty cool. Great image too.

Personally, I've put in a lot of lord gear in the last year, and am kind of disappointed that it hasn't appeared in the wiki yet to help newbie Lords.. *hint*

Though really the only i-stone siderun stuff is older than a month. The rest is from Shunned World, which is still newish so it makes sense.
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