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Author Favorite area quest?

Posts: 65
Joined: 22.11.06
Posted on Nov 09 2011 00:07
Similar to the news piece I posted on the main page...

What is your favorite area quest, and why? (Includes both ticket quests and mobprog quests.)

For example, the turtle shell amulet is pretty interesting, as I like the twist where the corpse is too heavy to be skinned so you have to bring the archer there. Of course, this is me speaking from a builder perspective
Author RE: Favorite area quest?

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Posts: 19
Location: Explorer's Respite, Eragora
Joined: 14.02.11
Posted on Nov 09 2011 13:08
My favorite quest is the Animosity Tiureess one, for its numerous twists, branching rewards and also for introducing the player to the entire" neo-drow" concept through tons of (often hilarious) conversations that occur in the whole quest setup with all the other "heads of state".

My least favorite quest is the midaardian patrol one. Spending hours upon hours for a very poor reward is an example of what should be fixed. While cleverly written, it lacks ironing and a more substantial reward, for sure. (also while on the topic of that quest, it's a pity its dull insignia overwrites the flashy one gained from mervue quest, and also that the mervue one overrides the solace insignia. it would be so much nicer to have all of them stacked up neatly one next to another).

My two brass pieces.
Author RE: Favorite area quest?

Posts: 14
Joined: 28.01.07
Posted on Nov 09 2011 18:16
I'm quite partial to the quest for the Legacy of King Vorin, just on account of theme, traveling into the spirit realm, etc. Though it's a little bit more of a pain to do (without prior knowledge of where to go) now that keys have limited uses.

edit: I also like the quests in Downward Spiral because the massed aggie mobs at the beginning of the area splat countless lowheroes, and even though you could just 'c invis' and sneak through safely, nobody does! It's awesome!
Edited by Neyne on Nov 09 2011 18:19
Author RE: Favorite area quest?

Posts: 1
Joined: 20.11.11
Posted on Nov 20 2011 08:25
The white axe quest in lairs is pretty dope, I guess I would say the shield of the tree quest is my favorite overall. Both quests have a pretty decent payout except maybe the SoT quest should have an alternative payout for non-casters who want to run the quest for an awesome item as it is very difficult.
Author RE: Favorite area quest?

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Posts: 23
Location: Kansas City, MO
Joined: 26.02.07
Posted on Nov 21 2011 21:09
There are many quests that I like. However one of the newest that I would love to see fleshed out is the Guild Of Explorers And Cavern Crawlers that appeared in Graw. I loved this cross-area item and would love to see it expanded to more than the few mobs that are incorporated into it now.

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