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30 Heroes morphed in July 2007. Please welcome the following to the Lord tier:
Annechris Antiphates Bora Celeno
Cyrn Demond Drury Duh
Griffin Khazidhea Kimberlie Kingsley
Kwondare Midwinter Mopper Neal
Nightcrawler Oblivious Okidoki Ondskan
Pippa Purraj Squarepants TEMUJiN
TrashCan Vanyar Vigilance Wych
Xuzt Zarf
17 characters remorted or descended in July 2007. Please wish the following good luck:
* Arcano from a Lord Elf Mage to a Hero Elf Mage
* Delaznel from a Lord Drow Psionicist to a Hero Drow Psionicist
* Gallahad from a Lord Orc Warrior to a Hero Orc Berserker
* Gorlok from a Lord Human Berserker to a Hero Demonseed Berserker
* Hercules from a Lord Human Warrior to a Hero Minotaur Warrior
* Hydros from a Lord Sprite Priest to a Lowmort Dragon Priest
* Judith from a Lord Half-Elf Cleric to a Lowmort Sprite Cleric
* Locqui from a Lord Orc Warrior to a Hero Minotaur Warrior
* NightHawk from a Lord Ogre Warrior to a Hero Ogre Berserker
* Niniane from a Lord Minotaur Archer to a Hero Minotaur Archer
* Roger from a Lord Troll Rogue to a Lowmort Human Assassin
* Sludge from a Lord Troll Monk to a Hero Troll Monk
* Thedragon from a Lord Elf Mage to a Lowmort Dragon Mage
* Tokala from a Lord Orc Warrior to a Hero Human Berserker
* Voxy from a Lord Minotaur Black Circle Initiat to a Hero Minotaur Black Circle Initiate
* Zaffer from a Lord Sprite Cleric to a Hero Sprite Cleric
* Zantar from a Lord Human Warrior to a Hero Human Paladin