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Quests: FAQ
Q.What is this website?
A.Maintained by Avatar's Quest Staff, this site provides news and updates on Avatar's quests. You can also find information on the different types of quests, including their values in quest points and the exchange rates for quest points to other rewards. We invite you to help us improve our quests by letting us know what you think.
What is this website?
What is a quest?
How do I participate in quests?
What are quest points?
Are quest points transferable between one player's alts?
Is gear won from quests transferable between alts?
Which items will get bound?
Will quest points be kept upon heroing, morphing, or remorting?
Can I still get quest points if I'm unable to participate for the full duration of a quest?
Are these answers subject to change?
Is there any rule about the Girth of the Most Holy and remorting? Will it just go poof? Or is there some time limit to regain hero?
Got a question for us? Send it in!

Av Name:
Original quest-site by Cytherea of AvatarMUD

35929559 Unique Visits

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Aug 16 2022 03:24

Aug 02 2022 22:13
Daeron is running Push Your Luck now. Mini-HoG just ended!

Jun 30 2022 04:23
It is!

Jun 28 2022 23:55
Testing. Testing. This thing on?

Aug 17 2021 05:50
Halfway through August and so many events yet to go! Log in now to join our newest event. smiley

Shoutbox Archive
Game Updates
Jul 26 2024 22:24
Xendurth has become a Bodyguard.
Jul 26 2024 17:44
Thaldur successfully morphs from Hero 747 to become Lord Thaldur.
Jul 25 2024 21:47
Winxa has become a Wizard.
Jul 25 2024 15:27
Juice successfully morphs from Hero 999 to become Lord Juice.
Jul 25 2024 09:53
Winxa has remorted into a High Elf Mage.